At the eight faculties of TU Delft, many students choose to gain individual practical experience through an internship at companies and organizations that are an extension of their studies. This way they can prepare well for their future career.
Students at the faculties of Applied Sciences (AS), Aerospace Engineering (AE) and Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) do an internship as a compulsory part of their studies. At the other faculties, internships are part of the study as a minor (BSc) or elective (MSc).

Internships are study projects and do not guarantee that the expected results will be achieved, but experience shows that students can certainly provide added value for companies.

We greatly appreciate that companies give students the opportunity to gain practical experience.

As of September 2022, TU Delft as well as all research Universities in the Netherlands have introduced one standard internship agreement. The new internship agreement makes the arrangements between students, universities and internship organisations more straightforward. A universal internship agreements helps students, the private sector and the degree programme know what they can expect. This internship agreement has been a culmination of extensive consultations with student organisations and the private sector. With the conditions included in this model, on which a widespread agreement has been reached with the business community, all parties can feel secure in signing the internship agreement without involving (external) legal expertise.

This internship agreement is based on Dutch law. Moreover, sector specific agreements that apply to academic education have been taken into account. Moving forward, all research universities in the Netherlands will be using this universal agreement. It is mandatory for all faculties in the TU Delft to use this internship agreement as is for other public universities in the Netherlands. TU Delft is starting university wide implementation of this agreement and this means replacing all individual internship agreements we have had with companies in the past.

If you are interested in collaborating with TU Delft in the form of internships, you can find the contacts and more faculty specific sources of information in the list below:

Internship Offices

Internships in The Netherlands are arranged by your faculty. Please contact the internship office or internship coordinator of your faculty.

You can find general information about an internship abroad here.

In addition to offering internship vacancies via the relevant internship office, you can also contact the Career Centre of TU Delft

Career Centre

The TU Delft Career Centre helps students, PhD's, PDDs and young alumni to develop during their studies and their early career stages by offering personal and career development. We work closely with professional organisations, employers and alumni to build a lasting bond between them, TU Delft and the students.

Do you want more information or post vacancies directly? Go to TU Delft YourCareer.