Energy & Sustainability

To achieve a sustainable future, the energy system must "green" while maintaining the balance between electricity production and consumption. Through digitization, the use of AI is now a powerful tool to accelerate the energy transition. On a small scale, AI is already being used, such as in smart thermostats or charging electric cars at times of low energy demand and price. But the energy system as a whole is not yet intelligent enough. Deploying AI on a larger scale could make the system significantly more efficient.

Team Energy & Sustainability

We are always open to introductions and new partnerships that drive innovation and progress.

Caroline Duterloo

Innovation Manager AI

Prof.Dr. M.M. de Weerdt

Professor Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling

Dr. S.H. (Simon) Tindemans

Professor Intelligent Electrical Power Grids

Prof.dr. P. (Peter) Palensky

Director Delft Energy Initiative

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