Joeske Schellen

Where do you work?

I am a Senior Design Manager within the Product Creation organisation of Nokia Design. Within this organisation I lead one of the 'Forward' teams, responsible for setting the future direction for Nokia's product portfolio. We define the design direction for 2-5 years out and work with Nokia product creation, R&D and external partners to develop and mature these ideas and technologies.

What have you learned from your study at IDE?

In an industry like Telecom, design goes hand in hand with technology. To be able to make beautiful products you need to be able to challenge current engineering and technology thinking. Industrial Design Engineering has helped me to be a very rounded designer who can think out of the box in all areas relevant to designing mobile products. In addition to this, I believe that my education has also helped me to broaden my scope within different design disciplines, blurring the boundaries between physical and digital design.