Prof. P.J. (John) Clarkson
Prof. P.J. (John) Clarkson
John Clarkson returned to the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge in 1995 following a seven-year spell with PA Consulting Group's Technology Division. He was appointed director of the Engineering Design Centre in 1997 and a Full Professor in 2004. He has been directly involved in the teaching of design at all levels of the undergraduate course.
At PA John was Manager of the Advanced Process Group where he gained wide experience of product development with a particular focus on the design of medical equipment and high-integrity systems, where clients required a risk-based systems approach to design to ensure timely delivery of safe systems.
His research interests are in the general area of engineering design, particularly the development of design methodologies to address specific design issues, for example, healthcare design, inclusive design, process management, change management and automotive design. As well as publishing over 800 papers, he has written and edited a number of books on medical equipment design, inclusive design and process management.
John is leading a team with the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal College of Physicians, the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Academy of Medical Sciences to develop Engineering Better Care, a systems approach to health and care redesign and improvement, and an accompanying toolkit for Improving Improvement. He has also recently been appointed Professor of Healthcare Systems in the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft.
Exploring indicators of system-of-systems resilience: outcomes of a health systems design workshop at an international conference
Valeria Pannunzio / Alexander Komashie / Richard Milne / Sebastian Walsh / Timoleon Kipouros / Guillaume Lame / Anja Maier / Carol Brayne / P.J. Clarkson
Applying a participatory systems and value approach in a transdisciplinary exercise
on assessing the impact of training and education initiatives
Emmanuel A. Akinluyi / Anne Greenough / Keith Ison / P. John Clarkson -
Effectiveness of the Inclusive Design Wheel in Practice
Lessons from Five Pilot Projects
J. A. Goodman-Deane / M. D. Bradley / B. Lazzarini / E. Roca / S. D. Waller / P. J. Clarkson -
Experimental Measurement of the Size of Gaps Required to Compromise Fit of an N95 Respirator
Eugenia O'Kelly / Anmol Arora / Sophia Pirog / James Ward / P. John Clarkson
Commander of the British Empire
For services to Engineering and Design
Reviewer's favourite award for the paper "Exploring indicators of system-of-systems resilience: outcomes of a health systems design workshop at an international conference"
The reviewer's favourite award is granted to the top 10% papers published as part of the DESIGN conference based on reviewers' scores
2024 International Design Society Conference, Design 2024 -
President's Medal
Awarded to an Academy Fellow who has contributed significantly to the Academy's aims and work through initiatives to promote excellence in engineering
Sir Misha Black Medal
The Sir Misha Black Medal honours those who have given distinguished services to design education anywhere in the world. It was the first, and is the only, international award to do so.
Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
Fellowship awarded to outstanding scientists and engineers from universities and industry.
Ancillary activities
2022-05-25 - 2026-05-15