Ir. P. (Puck) Bos
Ir. P. (Puck) Bos
Puck Bos is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, exploring the use of bio-based plastics in durable applications and providing guidance to designers for their sustainable usage.
Academic background
Puck is currently pursuing her PhD at the department of Sustainable Design Engineering, with a research focus on enhancing the understanding of sustainable use of bio-based plastics in durable products. Her academic background includes a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design Engineering and a Master's degree in Integrated Product Design, both from TU Delft. Prior to her PhD project, Puck gained professional experience as an industrial design engineer at Spark design & innovation, where she contributed to diverse product development stages such as concepting, prototyping, testing, and engineering for production. Additionally, Puck completed internships at design agencies Studio Kees and Spark design & innovation during her studies. For her graduation project with Festo, Puck worked on the development of a double-acting muscle actuator with hygienic design, specifically tailored for application in the food and beverage industry. During this project, she employed the methodology of Nature Inspired Design.
Bio-Based Plastics in Product Design
The State of the Art and Challenges to Overcome
Puck Bos / Linda Ritzen / Sonja van Dam / Ruud Balkenende / Conny Bakker -
Drivers and barriers for bio-based plastics in durable products
L. Ritzen / P. Bos / P.D. Brown / A.R. Balkenende / C.A. Bakker
Bio-based plastics in durable applications: The future of sustainable product design? A design review
P. Bos / C.A. Bakker / A.R. Balkenende / B. Sprecher
Ancillary activities
2020-06-01 - 2026-05-31
2024-07-01 - 2026-06-30