
14 June 2024

Fading boundary between farmers and tigers

Fading boundary between farmers and tigers

The geothermal energy well at TU Delft campus will soon start heating various buildings on campus and in the city of Delft. But it provides insufficient heat in winter, and excessive heat in summer. Adding underground seasonal storage allows surplus summer heat to be put to good use in winter. Martin Bloemendal and his team develop the means to make integration of such an underground seasonal buffer possible at a large scale.

17 January 2024

TU Delft | Water for Impact at the UN Water Conference in New York

TU Delft | Water for Impact at the UN Water Conference in New York

During the plenary opening of the UN2023 Water Conference on March 22nd in New York City, all representatives were asking for more awareness, discussions, and most importantly, #WaterAction. Researchers from the TU Delft | Water for Impact programmes were present in New York to do just that: share knowledge, activitate participants and bring together international water experts to accelerate the search for global solutions. 

23 November 2023

TU Delft unveils earthquake-resistant house

TU Delft unveils earthquake-resistant house

Op donderdag 23 november presenteert het Architectural Recovery Team, ontstaan vanuit de TU Delft , het ontwerp voor een betaalbaar en aardbevingsbestendig huis voor de getroffenen van de aardbevingen in Turkije. Op basis van dit ontwerp zal in het voorjaar van 2024 een prototype worden gebouwd in een dorp in Turkije. Daarna zal het ontwerp in productie worden genomen, om Turkse inwoners die tot op heden nog geen goede woning hebben gevonden, aan een veilige en betaalbare woning van hoogwaardige kwaliteit te helpen.

23 November 2023

Karlheinz Samenjo & JC Diehl winner of Mekel Prize 2023

Karlheinz Samenjo & JC Diehl winner of Mekel Prize 2023

06 November 2023

New research programme for urgent challenges in Africa

New research programme for urgent challenges in Africa

Five Dutch universities – led by TU Delft – will appoint fifty-one PhD students to carry out solution-oriented research for and with the African continent. They will focus on urgent challenges such as climate change, the energy transition, affordable global healthcare, access to clean water and sustainable urban development.

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