PowerWeb Lunch Lecture: Martin van den Heuvel

19 September 2024 12:45 till 13:30 - Location: Faculty of EWI, Mekelweg 4 (Chip Hall) - By: Martin van den Heuvel, Magnus Energy | Add to my calendar

“The Role of Control Room of the Future in Realising the Energy Transition - Pains and Gains”

Moderator: Dr Francesco Lombardi  

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Abstract: To realise the energy transition, centralized, unidirectional power grids are being replaced by decentralized, multidirectional systems with hard-to-predict demand. Meanwhile, as the grid ages and electrification surges, the role of grid companies evolves from grid operators to system operators, balancing supply, demand, and capacity in increasingly shorter timeframes. This transition leads to new challenges on how the power grid is managed and requires more advanced and real-time control. Hence, it is pivotal to simulate disruption to the power grid in a controlled research environment in realising the energy transition – i.e., the Control Room of the Future. In the Control Room of the Future, IT-OT convergence (the integration of data management systems (IT) with industrial operation systems (OT)) and sophisticated Energy Management Systems (EMS) are crucial, as exemplified by high-frequency measurements, and platforms like WAMS for real-time analysis. We will discuss new functions like inertia modeling, data integration, and capacity market management, highlighting their significance in maintaining a resilient and efficient energy grid. Notably, these advancements scale from regional (DSOs) to national (TSOs) and even panEuropean levels, involving entities such as RCCs and ENTSO-E. This shift is essential for sustainability, geopolitical security, and the integrity of critical infrastructure, which speeds up the energy transition from different angles.  

Bio: Martin van den Heuvel is a Partner at Magnus Energy. He has over 20 years’ experience in several areas in the utilities sector, including smart meter, grid operation, control room of the future, enterprise asset management and grid digitization. With a background in mechanical engineering (TU/e, cum laude) and extensive experience in energy sector liberalization and digitization, Martin will share insights on the Control Room of the Future, along with the challenges and opportunities posed by grid congestion and the shift to balance-driven systems. Join us to understand how these changes will drive the energy transition forward.