Citizen Science in Action – Climate Adaptation in NL

20 June 2024 12:45 till 13:45 - Location: TU Delft Building 23 (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences), 1 Stevinweg 2628 CN Delft, room KG 02. 110 | Add to my calendar

During this lunch, we will discuss the Life Critical: Climate Resilience through Involvement of Local Citizens project & it lessons learnt.

About the lunch session

Join us for an exciting lunch session on a local citizen science project, "Heel Wielwijk Meet – LIFE Critical," in Dordrecht. As part of an EU Life initiative, the project is measuring the effects of climate adaptation measures in a specific street and park in the city. This small-scale, community-focused project aims to increase understanding of how these measures address heat and water stress. The overarching aim of the project is to showcase whether these measures are improving local conditions for daily users.We'll discuss the project's setup and the engagement process with participants.

Meet like-minded individuals, learn from your peers, and ask questions.

About the speaker:

Sandra de Vries, founder of Pulsaqua and guest researcher at TU Delft, specializes in water management and has over eight years of experience in citizen science methodologies. She helps organizations develop citizen science initiatives and offers related workshops and courses. Sandra also played a key role in developing TU Delft's WaterLab platform.

Registration is required to ensure we order your free lunch!

Organised by: TU Delft Citizen Science Community