SHErobots Cafés: Creative Research Behind SHErobots: Ecologies of Care

13 February 2024 12:45 till 14:00 - Location: TU Delft Library, Main Hall | Add to my calendar

Visiting Universities of Sydney and New South Wales faculty and guest curators Lian Loke, Dagmar Reinhardt and Deborah Turnbull Tillman will kick off the SHErobots Cafés series by elucidating some of the creative research behind the SHErobots: Ecologies of Care exhibition.  

During the presentation of "Robot Seedling", Dagmar Reinhardt (Usyd) and Charlotte Firth (ArchManu) in collaboration with TU Delft researchers Henriette Bier, Micah Prendergast, and Arwin Hidding will continue to unpack some of the exhibition’s themes related to using robotics as a catalyst to innovate a future that deeply cares for humankind, partner plant species and our finite environment.

Demo: Robot Seeding + others related to exhibition

Miss this SHErobots Café? Watch a full recording of the event here:

Magic Queen by Daniela Mitterberger and Tiziano Derme
CV-supported robotic planting approach developed at CoR and RB labs.
CV-supported robotic planting approach developed at CoR and RB labs.

About the researchers

Lian Loke is an Associate Professor in Interaction Design at the University of Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning. Lian’s research in the multi-disciplinary field of human-computer interaction studies the interactivity of humans and machines through a choreographic and somaesthetic lens—exploring how to design embodied and movement-based interactions and experiences with emerging technologies that support human agency, creative expression, skill and vitality.

Dagmar Reinhardt is a practising architect, researcher and educator. Reinhardt leads the robotics research group as an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, Design and Planning, The University of Sydney. Reinhardt’s research focuses on human-centric design at the nexus of acoustics, robotics and accessibility, with recent research projects exploring the range of human-robotic collaboration.

Deborah Turnbull Tillman is a curator specialising in design, technology and new media. An editor and author as well as a curator, Deb specialises in disruption and experiential learning regarding curatorial process in the reflection-in-action vein of Donald Schön. She is Creative Director for the New Media Curation platform and is a lecturer in Media Arts and Curatorial at UNSW's School of Art and Design in the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture.

Event in collaboration with: