Personal Branding for Job Search | September

26 September 2024 10:00 till 13:00 - Location: TU Delft campus | Add to my calendar

Who: Target Participants

Personal Branding for Job Search is a training program for partners of international staff members at TU Delft and partner universities in the Dual Career Network, especially for those who have already participated in Job Search Essentials (former Partner Career Workshop) and meet at least one of the following conditions: 

  1. Has been searching for a job in the Netherlands (for approximately six months or more) and has yet to find one. 

  1. Wants to strengthen job search tools (e.g., CV, LinkedIn Profile, Cover letter, Pitch), strategy, and interview skills. 

  1. Wishes to form a peer-support network with other partners in a similar situation. 

Are you eligible? We welcome you to sign up for Personal Branding for Job Search! If you are unsure about your eligibility, you can contact us, and this will be assessed. 


Personal Branding for Job Search is to fine-tune your job search tools, skills, and knowledge so that you can gain more confidence in finding your dream job. To do so, you will reflect, analyse and update yourself through exercises in the peer support group. You can also renew your stores of positive energy and expand your peer network for your new career in the Netherlands. The workshop aims to create your ‘brand’ by identifying your uniqueness and strengths in the Dutch job market. 

The training program consists of six sessions with reflective, interactive, and dialogue-based exercises. There will be ample opportunity for asking questions and sharing experiences with the trainer and peers.   

In Session V, you will have a ‘recruiter session’ where you can have a ‘mock interview’ with actual recruiters. They provide first-hand information on what they look for during interviews, along with tips and suggestions on responding to questions.  

By the end of the training program, you will have fully-tuned job search tools and renewed self-confidence, and be one step closer to your dream job! 

Training Schedule

Session I : Thursday, 26 September 10:00 – 13:00 
Session II : Thursday, 10 October 10:00 – 13:00 
Session III : Thursday, 24 October 10:00 – 13:00 
Session IV : Thursday,   7 November 10:00 – 13:00 
Session V : Thursday, 21 November 10:00 – 13:00  
Session VI : Thursday,   5 December 10:00 – 13:00 


Annemarie Koppenaal 
Ever since I was young, I’ve had a passion for people. I like to get to know them, understand what motivates them, where they are heading in life and how they think they will turn their vision into reality. Then I will do whatever is in my power to assist, guide, coach, and mentor them on their journey. That’s why I am a Success Coach and a balanced Female Entrepreneur.


TU Delft Campus


Participants must demonstrate a good command of the English language, both spoken and written (Minimum requirement level: CEFR B2)


The workshop is free of charge for partners of international TU Delft employees.


Maximum of 12 participants.

Please contact us directly at and our staff members will communicate with you. After confirming your eligibility for taking the Personal Branding for Job Search training programme, we will send a registration link.

The deadline for registration is a week prior to the event (Thursday 19th September 2024), so contact us in sufficient time for communication before the registration deadline.

Participants are expected to attend all sessions. Make sure you reserve adequate time in your agenda to be fully prepared for the session.