Expert meeting on AI and Transitional Justice
06 November 2024 08:30 till 17:00 - Location: TU Delft, The Netherlands | Add to my calendar
This November, Impunity Watch and AI Futures Lab are co-organising an expert session exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and transitional justice. This initiative aims to bring together esteemed experts from diverse fields to discuss and shape the evolving role of AI in transitional justice practices and frameworks. This meeting seeks to establish a collaborative network among experts from various fields to enhance dialogue and understanding of AI's role in human rights and transitional justice and explore ways to include and strengthen victim participation in discussions in this field. Together they aim to map AI’s impacts within transitional justice contexts, assess risks and potentials, and generate insights to inform a framework paper on ethical considerations for AI in these processes that is being developed in collaboration with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute. Both the teams at AI Futures Lab and Impunity Watch feel that inter-sectoral discussions and dialogue on the issue are timely in particular from a victim’s perspective.
This event is aimed at (invited) experts.
To register for this event, please contact Michelle Bouchebel of Impunity Watch. Your participation needs to be confirmed.
Confirmed speakers contributing to the discussion and the development of this underexplored but important area in the field of AI, justice and accountability:
- Thomas Unger – Impunity Watch
- Sue-Anne Teo – Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Michelle Bouchebel – Impunity Watch
- Jessica Dorsey – Utrecht University
- Julia Raue – OHCHR
- Vadim Pak – Council of Europe
- Ahmad Baydoun
- Hadi Al Khatib – Mnemonic
- Phuonh N. Pham – Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
- Ugo Cedrangolo – IIMP
- Bernard Duhaime – Special Rapporteur on truth, justice and reparation