Urban Energy Lecture: Data mining with the intelligent cloud

18 May 2022 16:00 till 17:00 - Location: Online | Add to my calendar

Lecture by Dick van Straaten
Director Cloud and IoT, Cloud Principal at LINKIT
Hosted by the Urban Energy Institute
Date: Wednesday 15 June, 2022

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Organizations are increasingly data-driven, they collect data continuously. Data that provides valuable business insights.
Insights that enables them to optimize existing or develop new business models.  Progress and innovation has become an activity is compelled by data, with Cloud technology as one of the enablers.

In the fear of missing out organizations collect, store and process all data. Traditionally centrally, nowadays mostly in the Cloud. But is this always the best suited scenario?

In this session we will elaborate on the Intelligent Edge. The ability to process data where it is actually generated, such as a smart building instead of sending it to a central center.