Hidden Expectations - Intercultural teamwork in the PhD trajectory

07 October 2024 09:00 till 24 October 2024 13:45 - Location: Schierbeek Hall – IDE | Add to my calendar

Annemiek van Boeijen – culture sensitive design
Willemine Biemond – internationalization
Elif Ozcan – inclusive research

There are all kinds of forms of doing research, and academic outcomes also can vary enormously between countries, institutes, research groups and single projects, especially in multi-disciplinary design and engineering projects where different research cultures meet. How to successfully manage your supervisory team?

In this session we will mainly discuss the social aspects within collaborations (rather than outcomes and research approaches). What does your supervisor and mentor expect from you and - equally important - what do you expect from your supervisory team? And how do you give meaning to comments such as 'interesting' and 'pretty good'? How we understand each other is partly related to the research culture, where we publish, and influenced by our cultural backgrounds (e.g. upbringing and education). Do the terminologies used mean the same for all the members of the multidisciplinary supervisory teams?
 In this session, we shine light on barriers due to unconscious biases, differences, use of language, and hidden expectations (unspoken matters), and we discuss ways to overcome such barriers, and possibilities for a pleasant collaboration.
We are looking forward to meeting TUD PhD candidates! This workshop is especially useful if you are started and settling in or if you are managing a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team. You will receive 0.5 Graduate School credits in the Transferable Skills Category for your participation. 

Target group: PhD Candidates 

Number of participants: 30

Format: PhD Candidates 

Food options: 12.00-12.30 lunch, registration for the training should be done before October 3 (18:00)

Accessibility of the room booked: Location is accessible with wheelchair.

Language: English