Demo Tuesday

17 September 2024 14:45 till 17:15 | Add to my calendar

Urban Mobility Workshop at TU Delft

TU Delft and its Mobility Innovation Centre Delft are pleased to invite you to Demo Tuesday - a workshop in which you can work on your own mobility issues using the tools, data visualizations, digital twins and serious games that mobility researchers from TU Delft developed in collaboration with municipalities and industry. 

Demo Tuesday is part of the TU Delft campaign 'City on the move', which is entirely dedicated to urban mobility.

Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Time: from 2:45 to 5:15 p.m. followed by drinks
Location: Co-Creation Centre' building at The Green Village, TU Delft campus

Language: English

Cities are getting busier and busier - with more residents, more visitors and more logistics. Smart mobility hubs, car-free centers and one day perhaps self-driving cars - there are many promises, new options and measures to improve the accessibility and livability of cities.

Delft researchers and the Mobility Innovation Centre Delft are developing much-needed knowledge to make traffic and transport in our busy cities sustainable, inclusive, safe and efficient. With our tools, data visualizations, digital twins and serious games, we help municipalities in the Netherlands and Europe with their mobility issues. 

During the European Mobility Week in September we offer a workshop to experience these tools yourself and get inspiration for your own mobility issues. The workshop is aimed at policy makers from e.g. municipalities and provinces and industry. 

After plenary pitches, you will get the chance to discover two different tools, games or visualizations and work with the demos based on your own mobility issues. Our researchers will guide the sessions and can offer customized solutions. 
Below are the demos you can choose from:

  • CTWalk - Bereikbaarheid van voorzieningen en openbare ruimten in Europese steden - Achilleas Psyllidis, assistant professor Faculty Industrial Design Engineering
  • Mobility Credit System - serious game over wat de keuze van inwoners bepaalt om voor auto, fiets of OV te kiezen - Nejc Geržinič, PhD student Faculty Civil Engineering & Geosciences
  • Designing attractive train stations - serious game voor cocreatie - Manuela Triggianese, assistant professor Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment 
  • Urban Mobility Digital Twin - Sascha Hoogendoorn, Director of the Mobility Innovation Centre Delft
  • Xcarcity – digital twins om autoluwe wijken en steden te realiseren - Maaike Snelder – associate professor Faculty Civil Engineering & Geosciences  
  • WheelVR – wheel chair simulation for inclusive mobility - Yan Feng - Assistant professor Faculty Civil Engineering & Geosciences 

About the Mobilty Innovation Centre Delft (MICD)

TU Delft's MICD offers companies, governments and scientists an environment and facilities to develop, test and evaluate innovations - and to explore opportunities for upscaling. Whether it is long-term research or smoothly setting up pilots, our goal is to get a reliable and complete picture of the impact of innovations on traffic and transport systems, urban planning, safety, accessibility, sustainability and inclusivity.

TU Delft | City on the move

Smart mobility hubs, car-free neighbourhoods, zero-emission zones and one day perhaps self-driving and self-parking cars. The city is full of opportunities to improve accessibility, liveability and safety.

This is needed, as cities in Europe are becoming increasingly crowded with more residents, more visitors and more logistics. People are stuck in traffic jams, emit a lot of CO2, make accidents and parking is difficult. In our cities there is a battle for scarce space: do we choose green streets or parking spaces in front of the door?

Delft urban mobility scientists are developing much-needed knowledge and solutions to make transport in our busy cities smart, clean and safe for everyone. We are building bikes that won't topple over and autonomous boats to deliver packages over water. We are developing apps to make shared transport user-friendly. We are tinkering with algorithms for self-driving, electric vehicles. And we implement car-free neighbourhoods and green corridors for pedestrians. With our tools, data visualizations, digital twins and serious games, we help municipalities in the Netherlands and Europe with their mobility issues.

This is how we accelerate the mobility transition and make cities green, safe and accessible for everyone. Read more about the societal challenges we work on on our website.