News & Events

17 May 2023

A new frontier for Agrivoltaics: the launch of the SYMBIOSYST project

A new frontier for Agrivoltaics: the launch of the SYMBIOSYST project

Building a world wherein solar energy and agriculture can have a mutually beneficial relationship

11 May 2023

Kornelis Blok - A lifetime of energy transition

Kornelis Blok - A lifetime of energy transition

Kornelis Blok has devoted himself to the energy transition for many years. On the 24th of May, he says farewell to the TU Delft before his retirement, although he certainly will not sit still. We spoke with him about the past and the future. How does he look back on his career and his years at TU Delft?

11 May 2023

TU Delft and TenneT present solutions for sustainable and stable energy systems during joined symposium

TU Delft and TenneT present solutions for sustainable and stable energy systems during joined symposium

Electrical power grids worldwide are becoming overloaded. This makes it essential to further develop solutions to ensure the stability of our increasingly sustainable energy system. TU Delft is proud to work at the forefront of renewing energy systems, together with industry partners like grid operator TenneT. During a symposium on the topic of net congestion and innovation, experts from the industry and academia presented their joined efforts in this field.

09 May 2023

Kornelis Blok op NPO Radio1 over megabatterijen

Kornelis Blok op NPO Radio1 over megabatterijen

Op het terrein van de oude aluminium-fabriek Aldel in Delfzijl pronkt over een poosje de grootste batterij voor de opslag van groene energie van Europa. Zijn megabatterijen de toekomst van ons stroomnet? Kornelis Blok reageert in de uitzending.

09 May 2023

Servaas Storm in The Guardian over Central banks raising interest rates makes it harder to fight the climate crisis

Servaas Storm in The Guardian over Central banks raising interest rates makes it harder to fight the climate crisis

Higher interest rates slow the renewable energy transition and shield oil and gas producers from competition by low-carbon producers say Servaas Storm and an emeritus researcher from University of Massachusetts in an opinion piece.