News & Events

05 July 2022

Three Vidi’s for faculty 3mE

Three Vidi’s for faculty 3mE

The Dutch Research Council has awarded 101 experienced researchers a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros. Eight Vidis go to top researchers from Delft, of which no fewer than three researchers work at the 3mE faculty: Michael Wiertlewski, Willem Haverkort and Kim Batselier. The grant enables them to develop their own innovative line of research and set up their own research group in the coming five years.

28 June 2022

7.4 million euros for research into products from wastewater

7.4 million euros for research into products from wastewater

Showering, cleaning, flushing toilets, and industrial production are all processes that use a great deal of water. But what happens to the waste in the water, to everything that is flushed away and disappears into the sewer system together with the water?

28 June 2022

Conference: When Social meets Technical: The Energy Transition for our Futur

Conference: When Social meets Technical: The Energy Transition for our Futur

This year’s annual conference was successfully organized by the faculty of Industrial Design and Engineering. This year's edition focused on the role research and industry can take in bridging the societal and technical aspects of the energy transition.

28 June 2022

TU Delft researchers: sea level rise along Dutch coastline accelerating

TU Delft researchers: sea level rise along Dutch coastline accelerating

De zeespiegelstijging langs de Nederlandse kust is aan het versnellen. Dat melden wetenschappers van de TU Delft in een nieuwe studie. Uit een uitgebreide analyse van de metingen van acht getijdestations langs de Nederlandse kust (onder meer die van Maassluis, Delfzijl en Vlissingen) blijkt dat de gemiddelde zeespiegelstijging – sinds midden jaren negentig – 2.7 ± 0.4* millimeter per jaar is. In vergelijking tot de zeventig jaar daarvoor is dat een significante stijging van 1.0 ± 0.5 mm/jaar.

24 June 2022

TU Delft students impress in competition with sustainable solution for tenement flats

TU Delft students impress in competition with sustainable solution for tenement flats

Symbiotic Urban Movement (SUM) is the name of the TU Delft student team that won third prize at the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 on Friday 24 June. Their solution: an innovative plan to transform all of the Netherlands’ 847,000 tenement flats.