News & Events

30 April 2020

NWO Indonesia project on energy transition in Indonesia approved

NWO Indonesia project on energy transition in Indonesia approved

Kornelis Blok and Jaco Quist will be working with the Technical University of Bandung in a broader consortium to do research on the renewable energy transition in Indonesia. The project is funded by NWO and the Indonesian research council. In the project, TU Delft will be focusing on making participatory renewable energy scenarios, implementation pathways and techno-economic assessment of renewable energy sources. One PhD candidate and one postdoc will be hired. Colleagues from the CEG faculty will also participate in the project.

07 April 2020

NWO LIFT grant for Remco Hartkamp and Burak Eral

NWO LIFT grant for Remco Hartkamp and Burak Eral

NWO has awarded researchers Remco Hartkamp and Burak Eral from the Department of Process & Energy a LIFT (Launchpad for Innovative Technology) grant for their research on selectively extracting ionic contaminants from water with the aid of porous electrodes via a process called capacitive deionization. The aim of the research is to develop a solution for selectively removing ionic contaminants in water.

06 April 2020

Nieuwe directeur en co-directeur TPM Lab Energy Transition

Nieuwe directeur en co-directeur TPM Lab Energy Transition

Onlangs zijn Gerdien de Vries en Emile Chappin gekozen als directeur en co-directeur van het TPM Energy Transition Lab. Aukje Hassoldt: ‘Heel wat mensen toonden interesse in deze functies en het was zeker geen gemakkelijke keuze. Gerdien en Emile hebben beide sterke interpersoonlijke vaardigheden, zijn energiek en innovatief en kunnen samen het brede spectrum overzien van het werk op onze faculteit'.

06 April 2020

TU Delft joins International Universities Climate Alliance

TU Delft joins International Universities Climate Alliance

An International Universities Climate Alliance (‘Climate Alliance’) has been established this week. Over 40 universities from around the world committed to collaborating for climate insight and action.

17 March 2020

Building small reactors for renewable electricity in chemical industry

Building small reactors for renewable electricity in chemical industry

The research consortium of the European Union-funded project ADREM (Adaptable Reactors for Resource- and Energy-Efficient Methane Valorisation), led by Andrzej Stankiewicz, TUD Professor of Process Intensification, successfully developed highly innovative, economically attractive and resource- and energy-efficient reactor concepts for boosting resource and energy efficiency in process industries.