News & Events

03 February 2023

Hydrogen leads the way to a climate neutral Europe without energy poverty

Hydrogen leads the way to a climate neutral Europe without energy poverty

Energy is a driver of economic activity, personal development, and social participation in civic life. That is why, for professor of Smart Energy Systems Zofia Lukszo, the energy transition is about much more than reducing CO2 emissions. ‘Our future energy system should not only be sustainable, but also inclusive – dependable, available and affordable for everyone.’

30 January 2023

Gerdien de Vries in NRC over kantelpunten in klimaatcrisis

Gerdien de Vries in NRC over kantelpunten in klimaatcrisis

Kunnen we de omslag naar het onleefbaar worden van grote delen van de aarde door klimaatverandering nog voorkomen door de uitstoot van broeikasgassen terug te dringen? Als individu kan je misschien het idee hebben dat het een druppel op de gloeiende plaat is”, Gerdien de Vries.

19 January 2023

Green Dragons’ Den TU Delft

Green Dragons’ Den TU Delft

Thursday, 19th of January 2023, TU Delft organised the Green Dragons' Den, based on the television programme, but focussed on sustainable innovations. During the Green Dragons' Den, companies were given the opportunity to pitch their idea to a jury.

19 January 2023

Laurens de Vries bij NPO Radio 1 over netbeheerder TenneT vreest stroomtekort

Laurens de Vries bij NPO Radio 1 over netbeheerder TenneT vreest stroomtekort

Netbeheerder TenneT vreest een stroomtekort in de toekomst door afhankelijkheid van duurzame energiebronnen. Laurens de Vries geeft duiding.

16 January 2023

In search of the coveted safer, better, longer-lasting battery: BatteryNL kicks off

In search of the coveted safer, better, longer-lasting battery: BatteryNL kicks off

On the 12th of January a large number of parties involved in the development of batteries in the Netherlands – small companies, multinationals and knowledge institutes – attended the kick off of the BatteryNL consortium. Their goal is to develop the next generation of batteries within eight years based on a better understanding of material interfaces.