News & Events

19 January 2022

MOOC Digitalization of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems

MOOC Digitalization of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems

Are you interested in the digital transformation of the energy system? Sustainability, security, reliability, flexibility, and affordability will play an essential role in future energy systems. With this course, you will learn about a powerful framework for integrating renewable energy, gas, heat, electrical cars and electricity into the energy system in an intelligent way.

19 January 2022

Working on accelerating the energy transition

On its 180th anniversary in January, TU Delft will reflect on its role in the energy transition, and especially on how to accelerate it. This is a complex issue with the ultimate goal of a safe and reliable energy system. A team of 10 scientists gives this acceleration a face.

14 January 2022

TU Delft anniversary dedicated to energy transition

TU Delft anniversary dedicated to energy transition

On Friday 14 January, TU Delft celebrated its 180th Dies Natalis, or birthday. The university has chosen ‘speeding up the energy transition’ as theme for the anniversary celebrations, which will continue over 180 days after Friday’s official Dies Natalis ceremony.

14 January 2022

Targeted innovation policy can reduce the cost of the energy transition

Targeted innovation policy can reduce the cost of the energy transition

The cost of new technologies such as those used to make green hydrogen can quickly be reduced if the government applies a stable and targeted innovation policy. This is according to Paulien Herder, professor of Energy Systems and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences. She is also a Topteam member in the Energy Top Sector. As the Captain of Science she represents knowledge institutions. Herder was also closely involved in the GroenvermogenNL proposal for green hydrogen and green chemistry that was accepted by the National Growth Fund.

12 January 2022

Behnam Taebi in Deutsche Welle over de inzet van kernenergie

Behnam Taebi in Deutsche Welle over de inzet van kernenergie

Behnam Taebi reflecteert op de inzet van kernenergie, en hoe verschillende landen daar - op hun eigen manier - mee omgaan. Terwijl landen als Frankrijk de levensduur van hun verouderende kernenergie-infrastructuur verlengen, hebben de aangrenzende landen die het meest te lijden zouden kunnen hebben van een kernsmelting, weinig in te brengen.