News & Events

18 September 2024

A strong nose for trouble

A strong nose for trouble

Ammonia gas – it is both highly poisonous and corrosive, yet also often used in industry, or present around intensive livestock farming. To better mitigate the risks of ammonia leaks, Paddy French together with Lina Sarro and Sten Vollebregt will make smaller, more robust and eventually more affordable ammonia sensors. The NWO OTP programme has funded their research into a fully-integrated, single-chip sensor that incorporates two porous silicon carbide structures for detecting ammonia and humidity, all in a single layer and one etch step.

16 September 2024

Towards more efficient solar cells, with a lower carbon footprint

Towards more efficient solar cells, with a lower carbon footprint

The SiLEAN project, funded by the European Union, has officially launched with the goal of setting a new benchmark in solar cell efficiency by over 25.5%, while reducing costs and lowering the carbon footprint by up to 75%.

11 August 2024

NWA Grant for research into reorganization of the Dutch energy market

NWA Grant for research into reorganization of the Dutch energy market

To ensure that we have enough energy available at all times, the organization of the energy sector needs to change. TU Delft researchers Laurens de Vries, Kenneth Bruninx, Aad Correlje and Mathijs de Weerdt will be working on a project that revises the Dutch energy market for a CO2-neutral energy system. The project has acquired an NWA grant.

29 July 2024

RTL Nieuws: Apparaten in huis eerder stuk door te hoge spanning op stroomnet

RTL Nieuws: Apparaten in huis eerder stuk door te hoge spanning op stroomnet

"Elektrische apparatuur heeft sowieso te lijden onder de hoge voltages", zegt Pavol Bauer, hoogleraar Energieconversie en -opslag aan de TU Delft. Hij doet onderzoek naar de levensduur en betrouwbaarheid van elektrische componenten zoals schakelaars in bijvoorbeeld tv's en vaatwassers.

19 July 2024

Fourteen promising young Delft researchers receive Veni grant

Fourteen promising young Delft researchers receive Veni grant

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded thirteen young TU Delft researchers from the Science (ENW) and Applied and Engineering Sciences (TTW) domains, a Veni grant of up to 320,000 euro.