PV Laboratory

The Photovoltaic Materials and Devices group at TU Delft is determined to provide an educational experience on photovoltaics that is both fascinating and insightful. Part of this experience is created at the PVLAB (Photovoltaics Laboratory) with unique practical courses for students. Working with real system components, taking measurements and performing analysis, is at the heart of the educational experience. For that reason the PVLAB is equipped with the latest measurement equipment, off the shelf system components, and a full size certified solar simulator.


dr. Olindo Isabella
Phone (office): 81947
Phone (PVLAB): 82013


Calling outside TUDelft dial: +31 - 15 - 27

Visiting Address

TU Delft, EEMCS Building
Photovoltaic Materials and Devices
Room LB 00.460 and LB 00.470
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
