Hybrid energy storage systems as multi-carrier flexibility providers

Project description

PhD Candidate: Joel Alpízar-Castillo: J.J.AlpizarCastillo@tudelft.nl

Supervisor: Laura Ramírez-Elizondo: L.M.RamirezElizondo@tudelft.nl

Promotor: Pavol Bauer: P.Bauer@tudelft.nl


Foreseeing a massive transition of heat demand from fossil fuels to renewable electric power in an already congested network, this projects aims to describe the behaviour of a multi-carrier energy storage system, called ‘hybrid energy storage system’, constituted by the integration of thermal and electrical energy storage systems, under the framework of the FLEXINet project. It is necessary to identify the individual and combined contributions towards providing flexibility to the network, through ancillary services, of the energy storage devices within the proposed multi-carrier hybrid energy storage system. This will allow to compare the effect of a distributed generator, combined with a multi-carrier hybrid energy storage system, has on the electrical grid, against a distributed generator without storage systems, or with individual single-carrier energy storage systems. It is expected that adding the thermal energy storage system, and therefore creating a multi-carrier hybrid energy storage systems, proves to be, not only more environmentally friendly than the traditional systems, but also to reduce the negative impacts on the grid, while been profitable to the owner of the system.

Joel Alpízar-Castillo