EngD programmes

Traineeships engineering design - EngD programmes

The design-traineeships of Delft University of Technology train you to translate academic developments in Life Sciences, (Bio)Chemical Engineering and Civil & Environmental Engineering to real-life applications and industrial products, working to meet the industry’s demand for new technologies. A design-traineeship (EngD-position) offers an application-focused alternative to a PhD position and provides you with a solid basis for an accelerated start in an industrial career. The programmes are a joint initiative of and are sponsored by the Dutch Life Sciences and (Bio)Chemical industry and the Dutch government.

As a trainee in one of our designer programmes, you develop yourself into a visionary team-player with a state-of-the-art background in life sciences or (bio)chemical engineering, prepared for innovative product and process design. You are trained to develop and apply an independent attitude, a critical approach, creativity, and a focus on innovative applications in these interdisciplinary fields.

The first year consists of a tailor-made programme of advanced coursework in the relevant science and engineering disciplines, project management, intellectual property and economics. You gain experience in teamwork, multidisciplinary problem-solving and conceptual design. You learn to apply a systematic, quantitative design methodology in a variety of science disciplines. You implement your knowledge in the Group Design Project at the end of the first year.

In the second year you apply your skills in the Industrial Design Project in industry, developing creative solutions for real-life problems, based on the latest developments in the Life Sciences, (Bio)Chemical Engineering and Civil & Environmental Engineering. After successful completion of your training, you receive the ‘Engineering Doctorate’ degree, or EngD. The 4TU School Stan Ackermans Institute offers more information about the EngD degree.

The expertise gained in this programme is in great demand and leads to excellent prospects for a professional career in the Dutch and international industry.

The design-traineeships are offered in close collaboration with industrial partners, like Cargill, Cosun, Danone, DOW Chemical, DSM-Firmenich, Evides, FrieslandCampina, Heineken, Ioniqa Technologies, Johnson & Johnson, NIZO, Nobian, Pentair, Port of Rotterdam, ProRail, Rijkswaterstaat, SABIC, Shell, Teijin Aramid, Tata Steel, TNO and Unilever.