Digital Energy Technologies

Digital Energy Technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and Digital Twins, can revolutionise energy system operations and are urgently needed as they increase flexibility and intelligence. Through this profile, you will learn the fundamentals of data processing, machine learning, and digital twins, to optimise digital-integrated energy systems, and ensure the cyber security of digitalised heating and electricity grids.

This profile will prepare you to develop and deploy cutting-edge digital technologies in energy systems and bridge the gap between data scientists, and engineers.

Master thesis

The following departments offer graduation projects in the Digital Energy Technologies profile:

  • Electrical Sustainable Energy (Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science)
  • Engineering Systems and Services (Technology, Policy & Management)

Examples of graduation projects

  • Detecting a change in building energy consumption patterns from sensors
  • Graph neural networks for transmission or heating network controls
  • Cyber security assessment of public electric vehicle chargers in Amsterdam
  • Reinforcement learning-based energy management system for smart buildings