Emmy Thans
Hi there!
My name’s Emmy Thans and I’m an enthusiastic recent graduate from the Communication Design for Innovation programme.
I did my bachelor's in Applied Mathematics at Delft, which might make you ask: 'Why the switch?!' Well, I love the logical, structured and analytical way of thinking that can be found in mathematics, but I was missing a human factor – I wanted to learn more about psychology, interactions, behaviour and communication theories. This Master’s programme provides the perfect match between a technical approach and the soft skills needed to effectively execute it. I see this Master's as approaching communication from a technical point of view, where you learn to design communication strategies and decision support tools from scratch. Let's face it, any job requires communication and people skills to take it to the next level. The open atmosphere and lovely peers and professors also contribute greatly to what I feel is a strong addition to a technical background.
The CDI Master has not only helped me grow professionally, but also personally. It has done so by providing unique learning experiences by introducing real-life cases, teaching me to collaborate with a diversity of people, helping me develop the confidence to make bold decisions in uncertain circumstances, and celebrating creativity.
If you have any questions about my choices or journey – or yours, for that matter – don’t be shy: contact me! I'll be happy to share my thoughts with you and to listen to your story.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards – Emmy
Email: emmythans@gmail.com
Phone number: 0031622911966