Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enrol in the MSc Robotics?
Please see Admission and application

Am I eligible for the Master Robotics?
The following Dutch BSc degrees are eligible for admission:

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering

Where can I get more information about the program?

Note that the program may show minor modifications each year.

If my BSc is not one of the three aforementioned ones, what can I do to become eligible for the Master Robotics?
If you have completed a BSc at the TU Delft, you can complete a bridging program. The available bridging programs can be found here:

If you have completed a BSc at a Dutch university other than TU Delft, please check the requirements and procedures at

In both cases, please note that, the bridging program must be completed before you can start with the MSc.

Bridging programs are not available for international students.

The courses of my bridging program are all given in Q1. What are the consequences of this to my progress in the Robotics MSc program?
Because of the 'harde knip' (‘Bachelor’s-before-Master’s rule’ in English), you will have to complete your bridging program before enrolling in the MSc program. If you have passed all bringing courses in Q1, you will be able to enrol in Robotics in Q3. If you have questions regarding your bridging program and your admission to the MSc, please contact the admissions committee (

Is it possible to do an Individual Double Degree with MSc Robotics?
No. Starting this academic year, 2023-2024, the ME Master programmes will no longer enable Individual Double Degree Programmes (IDD).

Can I start with the MSc Robotics in February?
This is permitted for TU Delft Bachelor (AE, ME) students and for students who have completed the TU Robotics bridging program. However, if you start in February, you will not be permitted to join the Multidisciplinary Project (RO47007, Q4) before September. If you start in February, then please pay special attention to acquiring the right information yourself (from Brightspace and the Study Guide). Note that the introduction days take place in August/beginning of September.

Does the MSc Robotics have specialisations?
No; the first year of the Robotics program contains mostly obligatory courses (40 out of 60 EC), which provides a homogeneous basis for all students. For the remainder of the EC, you are free to select from a diverse set of elective courses. The course ‘Vision and Reflection’ will help you shape your vision and choose electives. The obligatory courses in the first year are representative of the research expertise of the staff, and will be helpful for you to decide what type of thesis you want to conduct in the second year.

I have an administrative question about my registration to Robotics. Whom should I contact?
Please contact the Student Administration or look at the FAQ of the Student Administration webpage:


Updated: September 1, 2022