Criteria & Registration


  • You obtained a Master’s degree or a PhD at TU Delft;
  • The application must help with your personal development. The grant should help you to take a pioneering or cross-disciplinary step in your career, or a strong international focus achieved by a collaboration with a prominent foreign institute;
  • The preference is for women who have already built up a career, yet women at the beginning of their career may also apply for the grant if their application satisfies the second criterion to a high degree
  • Your application must be feasible;
  • The application will be implemented at an accredited educational or research institution or company, at home or abroad;
  • You will be awarded a diploma, certificate or reference;
  • You will have an advantage if you find a position where you serve as an example to others;
  • The preference is for women whose parents did not benefit from an academic study programme;
  • This grant is not intended for (co-) financing a PhD trajectory. Applications aiming to follow a degree programme at the university where also the Master's degree or PhD has been completed, will not be honoured. 

Application procedure

Your application you must include the following documents:

  1. Curriculum Vitae (incl. portrait picture)
  2. Plan of Action
  3. Budget & Timeline

Your plan of action, should include:

  • A brief description of your career to date.
  • A brief description of the intended step or new direction in your career and its importance for your personal development.
  • A brief explanation of how the grant will be used to achieve the intended step or new direction, supported by a letter of recommendation/admission letter from a professor or institute where the candidate will follow the study programme.
  • A description of any applications related to other funds for this plan.

NB: your plan of action may not exceed a total of three A4 sheets, excluding CV and appendices.


You can apply for the Marina van Damme Grant 2024 via this online form. Deadline for applications is 10 June 2024.

Go to the application form

The next steps

All submitted plans will be assessed by a jury. A select number of candidates will be invited to present their plan during the online Marina van Damme award ceremony. The winner will be announced during this event. If you are selected to present your plan, we expect you to personally attend the award ceremony online.

If you win the Marina van Damme Grant, you can go ahead with implementing your plan. You will be given four years to do so. Delft University Fund, in consultation with the jury, will assess any exceptional circumstances. Delft University Fund will monitor your progress.

NB: for the remaining runners-up there is a contribution of €2,500 available from the Fortunafonds.


If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact Machteld von Oven via or by phone  +31 (0)15 2786409.