
857 results

25 November 2020

TU Delft partner in nine NWA-ORC consortia

TU Delft partner in nine NWA-ORC consortia

TU Delft researchers will work together in ten consortia with the entire knowledge chain and societal organisations

23 November 2020

Photovoltatronics: smart solar cells that talk to each other

Photovoltatronics: smart solar cells that talk to each other

Imagine you’re looking at a skyscraper. Every single piece of their surface is generating and storing its own electricity!

20 November 2020

Team ZED from the Delft University of Technology has won 4TU Impact Challenge

Team ZED from  the Delft University of Technology has won 4TU Impact Challenge

Team ZED has won the Dutch 4TU Impact Challenge and goes to the World Expo in Dubai.

20 November 2020

Research into face mask leakage

Research into face mask leakage

Philomena Bluyssen and Marco Ortiz are developing a method in the SenseLab to compare leakage rates in different non-medical face masks. Up to now the NEN standard does not contain such a test.

18 November 2020

Majority of Dutch people not lining up for COVID-19 vaccine

Majority of Dutch people not lining up for COVID-19 vaccine

An effective and safe COVID-19 vaccine is on the horizon. Still, a majority of people in the Netherlands say they’d rather not take a vaccine as soon as it becomes available, but wait instead. They are concerned about the potential risks of the vaccine. This conclusion comes from analysis of a choice experiment among a representative sample from the Dutch population. The experiment was done by researchers from Dutch universities (TU Delft, University of Maastricht, Erasmus University Rotterdam), the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment as well as Roskilde University.

18 November 2020

Alliance of top universities urge G20 leaders to prioritise net zero emissions

Alliance of top universities urge G20 leaders to prioritise net zero emissions

An international coalition of leading climate research universities, including TU Delft, has issued its first declaration ahead of the G20 Summit on 21 and 22 November 2020.

17 November 2020

Georgios Andreadis: TU Delft Best Graduate

Georgios Andreadis: TU Delft Best Graduate

Today, at the online TU Delft Best Graduate Award Ceremony 2020, eight recently graduated engineers presented their research and results of their excellent master thesis. Georgios Andreadis, graduate of the Faculty of EEMCS received the prestigious title TU Delft Best Graduate.

12 November 2020

More efficient conversion of heat into electricity by tinkering with nanostructure

More efficient conversion of heat into electricity by tinkering with nanostructure

Researchers TU Delft have not only been able to explain how nano-structures in thermoelectric materials can improve energy efficiency but they also propose a commercially more attractive way to manufacture nano-structured thermoelectric materials, increasing the chances for mass-production of thermoelectric energy. Their results were published in Nano Energy.

10 November 2020

TU Delft maritime hydrogen drone flies longer and greener

TU Delft maritime hydrogen drone flies longer and greener

Researchers at TU Delft together with the Royal Netherlands Navy and the Dutch Coastguard service developed a hydrogen-powered drone that is capable of vertical take-off and landing whilst also being able to fly horizontally efficiently for several hours, much like regular aircraft.

05 November 2020

Fourteen TU Delft researchers receive Veni grant

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros to fourteen highly promising young TU Delft scientists.

05 November 2020

TU Delft Nominator for The Earthshot Prize

TU Delft Nominator for The Earthshot Prize

On 1 November the search for the first winners of The Earthshot Prize began. Taking inspiration from President John F. Kennedy’s Moonshot, the Earthshot Prize is a prestigious global environment prize, aiming to find new solutions to the world’s biggest environmental problems.

04 November 2020

Vidi grants for four leading TU Delft researchers

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded four TU Delft researchers a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros.

02 November 2020

Flags at half-mast for free and safe education

Flags at half-mast for free and safe education

On Monday 2 November, French schools will commemorate the attack on Samuel Paty and with that the attack on free and safe education. That is why the flags on Dutch university buildings, including those of TU Delft, will also be flying at half-mast. Pieter Duisenberg, President of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands: “The horrific murder of Samuel Paty unfortunately shows once again that we must continue to stress the importance of freedom of speech. This is a great good, certainly in education, for which we must all stand firm. Teachers worldwide must be able to do their job without fear or pressure.”

02 November 2020

Eight Best Graduates nominated for TU Delft Best Graduates 2020

Eight Best Graduates nominated for TU Delft Best Graduates 2020

Today, 3 November 2020, Delft University Fund announced the eight TU Delft Best Graduates 2020. Each year, TU Delft’s eight faculties nominate their Best Graduate. On 17 November, during the TU Delft Best Graduate Award Ceremony 2020, one of these eight nominees will receive the prestigious title TU Delft Best Graduate 2020.

02 November 2020

TU Delft presents eight Best Graduates 2021

TU Delft presents eight Best Graduates 2021

Today, 29 October 2021, Delft University Fund announced the eight TU Delft Best Graduates 2021. Each year, TU Delft’s eight faculties nominate their Best Graduate. On 11 November, during the TU Delft Best Graduate Award Ceremony 2021, one of these eight nominees will receive the prestigious title TU Delft Best Graduate 2021.

30 October 2020

Delft student numbers increase despite coronavirus

Delft student numbers increase despite coronavirus

TU Delft continues to attract increasing numbers of students. At the start of October, provisional figures showed that there were 27,256 registered students, compared to 26,187 last year – a rise of approximately 4 percent, slightly lower than the national trend.

29 October 2020

Night Watch scanned in 3D for the first time

Night Watch scanned in 3D for the first time

28 October 2020

Cybercriminals don’t simply buy their technology off the shelf

Cybercriminals don’t simply buy their technology off the shelf

The fear that cybercriminals can easily purchase the technical capabilities they need on underground marketplaces is unfounded

26 October 2020

Three million enrolments for online courses at TU Delft

Three million enrolments for online courses at TU Delft

The MOOCs give people around the world access to TU Delft’s teaching.

13 October 2020

Ground mussel shells for 3D printing

Ground mussel shells for 3D printing

Marita Sauerwein shows that 3D printing and reprinting using locally sourced sustainable and natural raw materials is a viable option in a circular economy.

01 October 2020

‘AI hub Zuid-Holland’ takes off

The region Zuid-Holland will be setting up the ‘AI hub Zuid-Holland’. This network organisation will be realising a single point of contact for business and knowledge institutes in South Holland who want to work with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

29 September 2020

Driving behaviour less ‘robotic’ thanks to new Delft model

Driving behaviour less ‘robotic’ thanks to new Delft model

Researchers from TU Delft have now developed a new model that describes driving behaviour on the basis of one underlying ‘human’ principle: managing the risk below a threshold level.

18 September 2020

Brunel and TU Delft are joining forces

Brunel and TU Delft are joining forces

Secondment agency Brunel and TU Delft will work closely together in the field of talent and innovation.

17 September 2020

TU Delft students win James Dyson Award 2020 with easy-to-repair glass speaker

TU Delft students win James Dyson Award 2020 with easy-to-repair glass speaker

Six industrial design engineering students from Delft University of Technology have won the Dutch edition of the James Dyson Award with Ammos: a fully recyclable home audio system that produces crystal clear sound with a sheet of glass. With their sustainable design they hope to stimulate recycling and give everyone the chance to easily repair their audio system.

14 September 2020

Antarctica: cracks in the ice

Antarctica: cracks in the ice

In recent years, the Pine Island Glacier and the Thwaites Glacier on West-Antarctica has been undergoing rapid changes, with potentially major consequences for rising sea levels.

14 September 2020

Svalbard glaciers much more vulnerable to warming since mid-1980s

Svalbard glaciers much more vulnerable to warming since mid-1980s

Most of Svalbard’s glaciers have lost their protective firn layer, which leaves the ice much more vulnerable to summer melt.

14 September 2020

TU Delft start-up develops ‘living coffin’

TU Delft start-up develops ‘living coffin’

The TU Delft student start-up Loop has developed a living coffin made from mycelium. The Living Cocoon helps the body to ‘compost’ more efficiently, removes toxic substances and produces richer conditions in which to grow (new) trees and plants.

08 September 2020

TU Delft starts programme for robot engineer of the future

TU Delft starts programme for robot engineer of the future

How can robots function within various processes in a factory? What is a good robot engineer according to the industry? These two questions were central in setting up the new Master's degree programme in Robotics at TU Delft.

08 September 2020

New land subsidence map reveals the Netherlands’ (in)stability

New land subsidence map reveals the Netherlands’ (in)stability

Lopsided houses, subsiding streets, shifting dykes and nature reserves stricken by drought. In the years ahead, there will need to be some serious investment in maintenance by citizens, businesses and government.

04 September 2020

Game Boy forever! Thanks to intermittent computing

Game Boy forever! Thanks to intermittent computing

A hand-held videogame console allowing indefinite gameplay may be a parent’s worst nightmare. But it is not a toy! It is a scientific tool, developed by researchers from TU Delft and Northwestern University (Illinois, USA) who decided to push the boundaries of batteryless intermittent computing into the realm of fun and interaction. It is also another step towards a sustainable future.

03 September 2020

ERC Starting Grant for TU Delft researchers

ERC Starting Grant for TU Delft researchers

ERC has awarded its 2020 Starting Grants to early-career researchers. Two of them are scientists from TU Delft. This European funding will help individual scientists and scholars to build their own teams and conduct pioneering research.

03 September 2020

First Clinical Technology Master's students graduate in the LDE context

First Clinical Technology Master's students graduate in the LDE context

To bridge the ever-widening gap between technological innovation and medicine, the new Clinical Technology programme within the LDE alliance was launched six years ago.

01 September 2020

Successful maiden flight for the TU Delft Flying-V

Successful maiden flight for the TU Delft Flying-V

The first real test flight of the scaled flight model of the energy-efficient aircraft design called the Flying-V was a succes.

31 August 2020

Bert van Wee | Professor of Excellence 2020

Bert van Wee | Professor of Excellence 2020

On Monday 31 August, Bert van Wee, Professor of Transport Policy at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TPM) is named Professor of Excellence 2020 by Delft University Fund.

25 August 2020

TU Delft researchers separate microparticles on the basis of their shape

TU Delft researchers separate microparticles on the basis of their shape

Scientists in Delft have developed a technique for selectively separating microparticles in a liquid on the basis of their shape. The technique calculates precisely the path that a specifically shaped microparticle will follow in a flow through a narrow tube. This makes it possible to set up a sorting channel, in which the differently shaped particles each find their own way. The new technique, which was published today in the journal PNAS, can be used in a range of sectors, for example in the manufacture of medicines or removing microplastics from water.

21 August 2020

Students jointly asked to comply with coronavirus measures

The student societies, student associations and sports clubs in Delft have come together to ask all students to continue to comply with the measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus. This call for continued compliance has been made in a joint letter sent to the participants of the OWEE and spread to other students via the Student News website.

20 August 2020

Greenland Ice Sheet experienced record losses in 2019, and it won’t stop there

Greenland Ice Sheet experienced record losses in 2019, and it won’t stop there

The Greenland Ice Sheet recorded a new record mass loss in 2019, other glaciers in the Arctic region have also been severely affected by the summer of 2019.

17 August 2020

Zero tolerance for party in student house

On Friday 14 August at around 19:00, the police and the Permits, Supervision and Enforcement department of the Municipality of Delft put an end to a student party on Coenderstraat in Delft. The around 100 people who were present at the party were not complying with the coronavirus measures and were causing noise nuisance.

11 August 2020

Cyberattack on Blackbaud

Recently, TU Delft has been notified of a data security incident which included a TU Delft alumni database from 2017. This notification came from Blackbaud, a third-party service provider and one of the world’s largest providers of customer relationship management systems for non-profit organisations and the higher education sector.

03 August 2020

Future energy systems need to be climate proof

Climate policy for future energy systems typically focus on the challenge to make them carbon neutral to avoid climate change.