Students jointly asked to comply with coronavirus measures

News - 21 August 2020 - Communication

The student societies, student associations and sports clubs in Delft have come together to ask all students to continue to comply with the measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus. This call for continued compliance has been made in a joint letter sent to the participants of the OWEE and spread to other students via the Student News website.

The societies, associations and clubs write that the measures have a huge impact on our lives, but that slowly and surely, more things are being permitted. “We want to maintain this development at all costs, which is why we as student societies and associations, and sports clubs are calling upon all of you to hang in there just a little longer.”

The letter closes with the sentence: “We are Delft students. We aren't only the ones who come up with good ideas, but also the ones who put them into practise. Together we can ensure that student life continues in a responsible manner.”

Read the letter here.