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16 June 2021

Lunar Zebro and TNO join forces to pave the way to the Moon

Lunar Zebro and TNO join forces to pave the way to the Moon

Lunar Zebro, an ambitious team at TU Delft will work together with TNO (The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research) to build the lightest and smallest Moon rover to date.

15 June 2021

TU Delft becomes New European Bauhaus partner

TU Delft becomes New European Bauhaus partner

TU Delft has been selected as a partner of the New European Bauhaus, a think-do tank initiated by the President of the European Commission.

15 June 2021

TU Delft retains 57th place in the QS World University Ranking

TU Delft retains 57th place in the QS World University Ranking

TU Delft is ranked 57th in the QS World University Ranking 2021-2022, the same place as last year.

15 June 2021

Grants for research on energy transition in Delft

Grants for research on energy transition in Delft

Energy transition is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The transition to sustainable energy is complex and requires change at multiple levels. Three Delft research groups, with an grant from NWO, will conduct research into system integration within the energy transition.

11 June 2021

Venus orbiter EnVision selected as new ESA mission

Venus orbiter EnVision selected as new ESA mission

The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected the Venus orbiter EnVision as the fifth medium-class mission within its Cosmic Vision program. It marks the beginning of a new era of Venus exploration—last week NASA already announced two new missions to Earth' sister planet. SRON and TU Delft are part of the EnVision consortium.

07 June 2021

Karin Sluis is TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2021

Karin Sluis is TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2021

03 June 2021

Max Mulder | Professor of Excellence 2021

Max Mulder | Professor of Excellence 2021

On Thursday 3 June, the Delft University Fund awarded Max Mulder the title of Professor of Excellence 2021. Mulder is Professor of Control & Simulation in the Department of Control & Operations at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (AE).

21 May 2021

Researchers in Delft and Eindhoven argue in Science for more ventilation to combat COVID-19

An international group of 39 scientists have published an article in Science arguing for more use of ventilation to combat COVID-19. However, they want to use their argument far more broadly than just the current pandemic, and to combat the spread of all respiratory infections by changing building designs. Philomena Bluyssen from TU Delft and Marcel Loomans from TU Eindhoven are two of the authors. The article was published on Thursday 13 May.

21 May 2021

Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center openend

Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center openend

The Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Center (PDPC) was officially opened on Friday May 21 at Erasmus MC. Researchers at the PDPC study future virus outbreaks and disasters to be better prepared.

17 May 2021

TU Delft develops helpful cost guidelines for carbon capture

TU Delft develops helpful cost guidelines for carbon capture

Het afvangen en opslaan van CO2 is een van de vele technologieën die nodig zijn om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. De technologie is beschikbaar en wordt al in diverse projecten toegepast, maar nog niet op wereldwijde schaal toegepast. Het gebrek aan kennis over de kosten van CO2-afvang en -opslag (CCS) kan ertoe leiden dat investeerders zich terugtrekken. Een wereldwijd consortium van twaalf onderzoekers op het gebied van CCS, onder leiding van Andrea Ramirez van de TU Delft, heeft samengewerkt aan een uitgebreide whitepaper. Het whitepaper helpt te begrijpen hoe de kosten van projecten voor CO2-afvang en -opslag correct kunnen worden geraamd.