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29 October 2018

EU awards ten million euro to European Quantum Internet Alliance to speed up development of Quantum Internet

EU awards ten million euro to European Quantum Internet Alliance to speed up development of Quantum Internet

Today, the European Commission announced that its Quantum Flagship Programme will contribute 10 million euro to the development of a blueprint for a future quantum internet.

29 October 2018

Delft student team develops gene doping detection method and wins prizes in worldwide Synthetic Biology competition

Delft student team develops gene doping detection method and wins prizes in worldwide Synthetic Biology competition

TU Delft students have devised and developed a method for detecting gene doping. This method, called ADOPE (Advanced Detection of Performance Enhancement) has the potential to combat the abuse of gene therapy in sport. Through this project, the students in the iGEM team aim to highlight how important it is that synthetic biology is used safely. They presented their idea at last week’s International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition in Boston, winning prizes for their new application and product design.

25 October 2018

MAVLab to develop Pelican drone for Rijkswaterstaat

MAVLab to develop Pelican drone for Rijkswaterstaat

The ‘Drones in Water Management’ event organised by Rijkswaterstaat on 23 October saw the kick-off and signing of a new project.

24 October 2018

Natural solutions for reducing heat in cities

Natural solutions for reducing heat in cities

The introduction (or reintroduction) of plants and open water is the best way of combating extreme heat in our cities, according to PhD defendant Anna Solcerova.

18 October 2018

QuTech researchers put forward a roadmap for quantum internet development

QuTech researchers put forward a roadmap for quantum internet development

A quantum internet may very well be the first quantum information technology to become reality. Researchers at QuTech in Delft, The Netherlands, today published a comprehensive guide towards this goal in Science.

12 October 2018

TU Delft receives grant from Getty Foundation for research into restoration of Aula Building

TU Delft receives grant from Getty Foundation for research into restoration of Aula Building

In the coming years, TU Delft will be conducting research into the possible restoration and modernisation of the Aula Building, which is a listed monument in the Netherlands.

08 October 2018

Finnish Quantum company Bluefors starts R&D site on Delft Campus

Finnish Quantum company Bluefors starts R&D site on Delft Campus

On 4 October during the Innovation Expo in Rotterdam, the Finnish company Bluefors announced that it will join the Delft quantum technology community and open an R&D office on the TU Delft campus.

05 October 2018

Eight graduates nominated for TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2018

Eight graduates nominated for TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2018

Today (5 October 2018), Delft University Fund announced the eight TU Delft Best Graduates 2018.

04 October 2018

Using aircraft as weather stations

Using aircraft as weather stations

To fly safely, aircraft need accurate updates on wind and temperature. But together, aircraft can also act as a sensor network that provides information to make weather models and predictions better, researchers at TU Delft have found. This week they publish their findings in PLOS One.

03 October 2018

Finding the sweet spot for transparency and control in music recommendations

In music recommender systems, it’s important to design user control that hits the sweet spot between the perceived quality of recommendations and acceptable cognitive load, concludes TU Delft researcher Nava Tintarev. Together with colleagues from KU Leuven, and research with the Spotify API, she will present these findings at the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems in Vancouver, on Wednesday October 3rd.