
548 results

07 December 2021

Unesco Chair in Water, Ports and Historic Cities awarded to Leiden-Delft-Erasmus professor Carola Hein

Unesco Chair in Water, Ports and Historic Cities awarded to Leiden-Delft-Erasmus professor Carola Hein

Water-rich cities, such as port cities, often have a rich history. They also have a dynamic future ahead of them, because they are faced with climate change, migration, urbanisation and a whole host of other significant developments. Generally speaking, port cities have a long tradition of adapting to new circumstances, which is often reflected in their heritage. How can we learn from their past to solve problems in the future?

30 November 2021

Building in timber is bad for the environment. Fact or fiction?

Building in timber is bad for the environment. Fact or fiction?

Climate change and material scarcity, combined with housing shortages acutely calls for alternative materials that curb the environmental damage of the construction industry. Bio-based materials, and in particular the latest generation of mass timber products can play an essential role and contribute to making the construction industry climate-neutral and circular.

27 November 2021

Student work Stad × Ruimte: Cross-section thinking

Student work Stad × Ruimte: Cross-section thinking

The underground is given more space in the design of the built environment. The Flemish-Dutch design study Stad × Ruimte collaborated with the interdisciplinary master design studio Architecture & Urban Design by having students emphasize the cross-section during the design process. The student work, that explores the opportunities of building and living underground in Amsterdam and beyond, can be seen in an exhibition together with the work of the professional design teams.

21 November 2021

TimeTravel: Digital archives of Amsterdam’s underground structures for circular building practices

TimeTravel: Digital archives of Amsterdam’s underground structures for circular building practices

In summer 2020, part of a quay wall in Amsterdam collapsed, and in 2010, construction for a parking lot in Amsterdam was hindered by old sewage lines. New sustainable electric systems are being built in places where industry thrived in the 19th century. Carola Hein received a Kiem Grant to map invisible historical underground structures in a densely built-up historical city. “We argue that truly circular building practices in old cities require smart interfaces that allow the circular use of data from the past when planning the future.” says Carola Hein.

15 November 2021

Award for publication Reglazing Modernism

The book Reglazing Modernism, written by Uta Pottgiesser, provides 20 in-depth case studies of Modern architectural icons in both Europe and the Americas. Focusing on interventions to steel-framed glazing assemblies, the book offers a critical assessment of historic building envelopes, their values, damages and potentials, while also exploring emerging technologies that may offer higher performance of the building envelope and the building in the future. Using a selection of 20 iconic buildings in Europe and the USA, the book documents the current technological status of the three most common strategies used today: restoration, rehabilitation, and replacement. 

11 November 2021

Zhuo-ming Shia: TU Delft Best Graduate

Zhuo-ming Shia: TU Delft Best Graduate

Today, at the online TU Delft Best Graduate Award Ceremony 2021, eight recently graduated engineers presented their research and results of their excellent master thesis. Zhuo-ming Shia, graduate of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment received the prestigious title TU Delft Best Graduate 2021.

11 November 2021

A toolkit for attractive sustainable station areas

A toolkit for attractive sustainable station areas

How to make stations still interesting places ‘to go’ and ‘to be’ for all in the post-covid situation? And how can we improve the mobility transition so that it fits seamlessly and creates public space for more inviting and attractive stations for people and with fewer cars? That is the research question of Project WALK-IN for which dr. Manuela Triggianese received a KIEM Grant.

02 November 2021

Prices on the Dutch housing market rise to historic highs

Prices on the Dutch housing market rise to historic highs

An undiminished large latent demand for owner-occupied houses, insufficient availability of new-builds and existing dwellings, and an increased financing capacity are the combined underlying cause of the enormous price rises on the owner-occupied housing market in the third quarter of 2021. Also the availability of houses for sale in the existing housing stock has never been as low as in this quarter. The other side of the picture is the declining number of house sales and households taking more and more risks when taking out mortgages.

02 November 2021

“Re3 Glass” research represents topic of “Climate Change” at EU Parlamentarium

“Re3 Glass” research represents topic of “Climate Change” at EU Parlamentarium

Despite the perception that glass is 100% recyclable, the vast majority of everyday glass products are not reused or recycled. The "Re3 Glass" project shows that this can certainly be done differently. With specially cast glass components made from glass waste, the "Re3 Glass" project has now been selected to represent the theme of "climate change" in the Parlamentarium - the European Parliament's Visitors' Centre in Brussels.

28 October 2021

View of Nico Tillie on a green campus

View of Nico Tillie on a green campus

The campus is an excellent advertisement for TU Delft, says researcher and landscape architect Nico Tillie (Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment and Urban Ecology Lab), and should serve as a living lab for the cities of the future.

26 October 2021

Archiprix selection 2022 announced

Archiprix selection 2022 announced

Every year, the best graduation projects of the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are selected and exhibited. The jury selected the nine best projects to compete in the Dutch Archiprix, the leading annual competition for upcoming design talent. The nine projects were selected from a total of 44 preselected projects, showing the diversity of the different specialisations of architecture and the built environment.

18 October 2021

Two reflections by involved researchers on BK Expo “Together! The future of living”

Two reflections by involved researchers on BK Expo “Together! The future of living”

What better way to inspire new forms of collaborative living than through design? Through the BK Expo, staff and students of the TU Delft were offered the opportunity to showcase innovative design approaches to co-creation. Sara Brysch and Anne Kockelkorn reflect on their own contributions and the exhibition’s relevance, which can be visited till 29 October at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.

15 October 2021

BK present with two projects at Dutch Design Week

BK present with two projects at Dutch Design Week

During Dutch Design Week (DDW), two of our faculty's projects will be on show: a sustainable circular partition wall made of mycelium and a glass truss construction to make forces visible.

06 October 2021

BK students make the Europe Readr reading pavilion

BK students make the Europe Readr reading pavilion

On 22 September was the official opening of the Europe Readr reading pavilion, made by the students of Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment TU Delft. The kick-off event started with this opening of the Europe Readr reading pavilion which is part of TU Delft's commitment to the New European Bauhaus initiative, working towards more beautiful, sustainable and inclusive forms of living together.

22 September 2021

Steel slag becomes green oasis

Steel slag becomes green oasis

In the design course called ‘Making’, Tom Jaring and fellow students thought of something to do with one of the largest industrial waste streams in the Netherlands: steel slag. This waste product is created at Tata Steel in the production of steel. ‘Steel slag absorbs CO2 and nitrogen and could therefore serve perfectly as a sound barrier’, says Jaring. Just before the summer holidays, Tom's elaboration of this idea into a business plan was declared the winner of the BK Launch Studio.

22 September 2021

Observations on partnerships in the building sector

Observations on partnerships in the building sector

Buildings in the EU are responsible for about 40% of the total energy consumption. Increasing the energy efficiency of housing is important for achieving the EU's energy efficiency goals and reducing CO2 emissions. Housing corporations and the construction industry need to work together better to achieve this goal. Jelle Koolwijk of MBE recently won the Research, Innovation, Sustainability and Enterprise (RISE) AWARD for his research into successful partnerships.

21 September 2021

Introduction to space syntax in urban studies - Open access book

Introduction to space syntax in urban studies - Open access book

In August 2021, the open access book appeared with an extensive introduction with a comprehensive introduction to space syntax method and theory for graduate students and researchers. It provides a step-by-step approach for its application in urban planning and design. This textbook aims to increase the accessibility of the space syntax method for the first time to all graduate students and researchers who are dealing with the built environment.

21 September 2021

Poetics of the Possible. Methods of Architectural Analysis and Imagination

Poetics of the Possible. Methods of Architectural Analysis and Imagination

Friday 1 October Klaske Havik, Professor Methods of Analysis & Imagination gives her inaugural address (online). In her inaugural address, Klaske Havik makes a plea for imaginative thinking about possible spatial and temporal realities.

17 September 2021

From house of worship to home

From house of worship to home

During his studies, former architecture student Nima Morkoç bought the vacant Juliana Church in Heijplaat to live in with friends. Then disaster struck: the monumental building went up in flames. Now, four years later, everything indicates that the burnt-down church will rise again in the form of four houses. "That is the biggest task for our generation of architects: making affordable housing," says Nima.

02 September 2021

Water system of the Randstad – open access publication of OverHolland

Water system of the Randstad – open access publication of OverHolland

In the Netherlands, water management and cultural heritage are inextricably linked. The latest issue of OverHolland focuses on the water system of the Randstad. That system is considered the driving force behind the rise of Holland.

01 September 2021

Variable Stiffness featured on PostNL and TU Delft innovation stamps

Variable Stiffness featured on PostNL and TU Delft innovation stamps

PostNL and TU Delft have launched a new stamp sheet that focuses on the innovative capacity of our country. The 10 stamps clearly show that innovation can be found in a wide range of field. One of the ten TU Delft innovations which are featured on a stamp is Variable Stiffness, with a futuristic chaise longue, 3D printed by a robot, that can be transformed into a recliner (and back again).

18 August 2021

Great shortage and sharp price increases in owner-occupied housing market continue

Great shortage and sharp price increases in owner-occupied housing market continue

The supply of homes for sale in the existing housing stock has never been as low as in the second quarter of 2021. The supply of newly build owner-occupied houses has not picked up sufficiently in the last six quarters and in the first quarter of 2021 it even fell back. However, the latent demand for owner-occupied dwellings remains high. The result is an unprecedentedly tight owner-occupied housing market and again a sharp increase in house prices.

04 August 2021

Comenius grant Teaching Fellowship for Angeliki Sioli

Comenius grant Teaching Fellowship for Angeliki Sioli

The educational projects that have been awarded the Comenius grants of 2021 have been announced. TU Delft has no less than three winners of which Angeliki Sioli (Assistant Professor of Architecture) received the Teaching Fellowship.

28 June 2021

Dutch Universities shine a light on essential Design Engineering Sciences sector

Dutch Universities shine a light on essential Design Engineering Sciences sector

“Technology and Society in Equilibrium” – a new sector portrait for Design Engineering Sciences - has been presented to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The report paints a picture of this unique sector which includes the disciplines of Industrial Design Engineering, Architecture, Technology, Policy & Management.

22 June 2021

Shared second prize for BK alumna Annebé Brouwer during Archiprix 2021

Shared second prize for BK alumna Annebé Brouwer during Archiprix 2021

Op 19 juni heeft de recent afgestudeerde Annabé Brouwer een gedeelde tweede plek bemachtigd bij de 41e editie van de Archiprix 2021.

15 June 2021

TU Delft becomes New European Bauhaus partner

TU Delft becomes New European Bauhaus partner

TU Delft has been selected as a partner of the New European Bauhaus, a think-do tank initiated by the President of the European Commission.

10 June 2021

Air quality in the operating room; can it be done more efficiently and differently?

Air quality in the operating room; can it be done more efficiently and differently?

The air in an operating theatre is continuously refreshed with HEPA filtered air. The idea is that this prevents infections. For many years, air treatment systems have been used to purify the air in almost every operating theatre in the same way for every type of procedure. Scientists from various scientific disciplines, including Peter Luscuere of Architecture and the Built Environment, investigate in the Medical Delta Living Lab Research OR whether this can be done differently, better and more efficiently.

01 June 2021

Design & Built competition for ‘Europe Readr’ pavilion

Design & Built competition for ‘Europe Readr’ pavilion

This summer, all BK-students are invited to join the design & built competition for ‘Europe Readr’ pavillion. The challenge is to design and produce a small ‘pavilion’ that will, enable exchange, debate, and reflection on the future of living Europe, in new and innovative ways. The winning design will be built and travel to several locations in the Netherlands.

01 June 2021

Students design pavilion for Soestdijk Palace

Complex Projects students have submitted 11 different designs for sustainable, circular and modular pavilions to the design contest set out by Soestdijk Palace. The winning design will be developed, built and installed at the estate when Soestdijk Palace | Made by Holland opens.

01 June 2021

Europa Nostra Award won by Dora Chatzi Rodopoulou

Europa Nostra Award won by Dora Chatzi Rodopoulou

Dora Chatzi Rodopoulou has won the Europa Nostra Award in the category Research with her research project: Control Shift: European Industrial Heritage Reuse in review. The Europa Nostra Awards is the EU prize for cultural heritage funded by the Creative Europe programme.

21 May 2021

Researchers in Delft and Eindhoven argue in Science for more ventilation to combat COVID-19

An international group of 39 scientists have published an article in Science arguing for more use of ventilation to combat COVID-19. However, they want to use their argument far more broadly than just the current pandemic, and to combat the spread of all respiratory infections by changing building designs. Philomena Bluyssen from TU Delft and Marcel Loomans from TU Eindhoven are two of the authors. The article was published on Thursday 13 May.

19 May 2021

Cooling performance of urban trees in software and orgware

Cooling performance of urban trees in software and orgware

Cities must adapt to cope with climate change impacts such as higher temperatures and periods of heat stress. Trees are widely accepted as natural 'aircon' for our cities, but precise data on how much they cool - and in particular over their life cycle - is lacking. In the project i-Tree 2.0-NL, accurate metrics for urban trees in Dutch cities will be developed and translated into databases, application software and 'orgware'.

18 May 2021

Renovating Amsterdam's quay walls and tackling energy ambitions

Renovating Amsterdam's quay walls and tackling energy ambitions

The heat from the Amsterdam canal water could be collected in the summer, stored in the subsurface, to use it in the winter. Aquathermal energy from surface water could be a feasible alternative to natural gas, since this city counts a large number of canals and open water. AMS Institute, with research fellow Maéva Dang of the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, focuses on solving Amsterdam’s energy challenges.

18 May 2021

“Housing the Urban Invisibles” on show at Venice Biennale 2021

“Housing the Urban Invisibles” on show at Venice Biennale 2021

The BK faculty will be represented at the 17th Venice International Architecture Exhibition with “Housing the Urban Invisibles”. A show that displays student work and educational material that critically explores alternative approaches for the design of mass housing as a key component of sustainable development.

07 May 2021

Master student wins BZK thesis prize on rental housing for middle-income households

Master student wins BZK thesis prize on rental housing for middle-income households

With her thesis on investments in rental housing for middle-income households Ana Luiza Barros has won the BZK thesis prize of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK). Her thesis is about the possibilities of institutional investors, such as pension funds and insurance companies, to invest more in rental housing for the middle class in the Netherlands.

06 May 2021

Shortage on the owner-occupied market pushes house prices substantially

Shortage on the owner-occupied market pushes house prices substantially

The number of new homes completed in the new-build market has been falling for some years now. The consequences for the existing owner-occupied market have become increasingly clear in the last two quarters. The falling number of new-build houses is making it more difficult for the through-flow of houses already on the market as well, which is why the supply of existing owner-occupied houses for sale is declining dramatically. Some of the owner-occupiers are postponing any relocation plans or converting them into plans to rebuild their current home. The result is an unprecedented shortage of both new and existing owner-occupied houses, with sharply rising house prices and a slightly declining number of sales in the first quarter of 2021.

06 May 2021

What is that pink rabbit doing at the market?

What is that pink rabbit doing at the market?

Starting in November, in 10 weeks students from the Architecture Minor Archineering designed a pavilion for the Delft Fringe Festival. A pavilion where ticket sales, meeting and performances take place. The bright pink Delft Fringe Rabbit is the winning design of students Bartek Kotlicki and Ben Provan-Bessel. The pavilion design is so strong that the Delft Fringe Festival is going to use it as a new logo.

05 May 2021

Project ODECO: Data is key to the success of information economies

Project ODECO: Data is key to the success of information economies

The value of the European data economy has been assessed to be €739 billion, and highly likely to grow significantly in the coming years. Especially when data is shared openly with the public, more value is expected to be created. However, current developments in the field of open data are characterised as highly fragmented. The TU Delft project ‘Towards a sustainable Open Data ECOsystem’ (ODECO) has been granted as one of the 147 projects funding by the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie action Innovative Training Networks.

02 May 2021

Restaurants at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are the first to offer fully vegetarian menu

Restaurants at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are the first to offer fully vegetarian menu

Sustainability is a high priority at TU Delft. Not only is it a common thread in many of the university’s education, research and valorisation activities - the university is also taking steps towards making the campus more sustainable. In this regard, the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment is the first faculty which offers an entirely vegetarian menu at Ketelhuis starting 3 May. When the other food & beverage facilities at the faculty reopen, their assortment will also be fully vegetarian.

16 April 2021

A look beyond the renovation works with Virtual Reality

A look beyond the renovation works with Virtual Reality

Major home renovation projects often cause uncertainty and stress for the residents of social rental homes. Residents - sometimes due to a language barrier - often do not understand the impact of renovation works, find it difficult to make choices, and have little faith in the project. The use of interactive virtual reality (VR) changes this.