
18 October 2018

NEXT EXTREME shortlisted for WAF Water Research Prize

NEXT EXTREME shortlisted for WAF Water Research Prize

Research project NEXT EXTREME was shortlisted for the Water Research Prize of the World Architecture Festival. The project dives into next generation infrastructure design under extreme conditions and is conducted by Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin and Filippo LaFleur (Urbanism).

18 October 2018

Three BK alumni in the race for NRP Master Award 2018

Three BK alumni compete for the award for upcoming talent with good and new ideas towards transformation and renovation. On 31 October 2018, Hedwig van der Linden, Lauren Boots, and Nikkie de Boer will hear which of the five candidates has won the NRP Master Award 2018.

12 October 2018

TU Delft receives grant from Getty Foundation for research into restoration of Aula Building

TU Delft receives grant from Getty Foundation for research into restoration of Aula Building

In the coming years, TU Delft will be conducting research into the possible restoration and modernisation of the Aula Building, which is a listed monument in the Netherlands.

11 October 2018

Argentine delta could learn from Dutch polder model

Argentine delta could learn from Dutch polder model

In the Rio Paraná Delta the natural, industrial, and urban dynamics collide head-on. Lack of participation in planning is at the root of the problem, concludes Verónica Zagare in her PhD thesis. An Argentine version of the Dutch polder model could offer a way out.

11 October 2018

‘Elevator’ wins Maassilo competition

‘Elevator’ wins Maassilo competition

BK alumnus Bram van Grinsven created the winning design for the idea competition of the roof of the Maassilo in Rotterdam. Van Grinsven proposes to construct a glass floor, protruding over the edge of the existing concrete structure: creating a floating hotspot 40 meters above the harbour of Rotterdam.

09 October 2018

‘Architecture is not what architectural historians write about it’

‘Architecture is not what architectural historians write about it’

The history of modern architecture is more than a list of exceptional buildings. We need to look at how buildings function, says PhD candidate Jorge Mejia Hernandez. If we concentrate on their theoretical significance, the history of architecture becomes a caricature.

08 October 2018

Eleni Chronopoulou nominated for TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2018

Eleni Chronopoulou nominated for TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2018

Eleni Chronopoulou graduated from BK Bouwkunde in the summer of 2018, with a thesis on how landscape architecture has the capacity to work as an integrative common ground. The BK alumna has been selected as the Best Graduate 2018 from the BK Bouwkunde.

08 October 2018

Mitigating value conflicts in business strategies

An open access tutorial will be developed to help creative professionals mitigate value conflicts in their business strategies. The joint research between BK Bouwkunde and Industrial Engineering will result in a tutorial.

27 September 2018

The formless public building

Paul Vermeulen has been appointed Professor of Architectural Design. Within the theme ‘urban architecture’, he will focus on the ‘formless public building’ in the city.

27 September 2018

Education innovation through VR

The VR-Lab of BK Bouwkunde developed two ground-breaking Multiple Reality projects, where Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are combined to inspire and to develop practical insights. The VR-Lab developed the Virtual Playground at the TU Delft Teaching Lab, and is continuing the innovation with an advanced MultiReality project.