
14 June 2018

Keys to improving project strategies

Keys to improving project strategies

The job of the architect has changed significantly through the years. Marina Bos-de Vos has examined the role of architectural firms in the chain and how they create and capture value on the basis of different professional roles. She concludes in her doctoral dissertation that awareness of different values is necessary for better project strategies at architectural firms.

24 May 2018

Smart tools for an interconnected campus

Smart tools for an interconnected campus

The just released book ‘Smart campus tools 2.0- an international comparison’ illustrates the wide array of functionalities of smart campus tools. Bart Valks, Monique Arkesteijn, and Alexandra den Heijer (MBE) show how smart campus tools can help improve both user experience and real estate management.

24 May 2018

Ghana can learn from Dutch housing associations

Ghana can learn from Dutch housing associations

In many places in Ghana, the management of housing stocks is associated with chronically poor maintenance. Research conducted by doctoral candidate Samson Aziabah reveals that the way in which the Dutch housing associations operate could provide some useful guidance.

26 April 2018

Co Verdaas appointed Professor of Urban Area Development

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment is pleased to announce the appointment of Co Verdaas as Professor of Urban Area Development. In the upcoming years, the chair will focus on the development of concepts for sustainable urban areas, in order to maintain and improve the value of the built environment as it relates to the user, the experience, and the future.

24 April 2018

Rethink the City MOOC receives honourable mention

‘Rethink the City: New approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges’ ontving een eervolle vermelding in de 2018 Open Education Awards, in de categorie ‘Open Course / OCW / MOOC’.

22 March 2018

Faculty starts research on collaboration between water boards and market

The Chair of Public Commissioning is starting a research project, commissioned by the water boards, on the collaboration between the water boards and commercial parties in infrastructural projects.

15 March 2018

Alexandra den Heijer appointed as Professor of Public Real Estate

With pleasure the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment announces that Alexandra den Heijer has been appointed as Professor of Public Real Estate [Publiek Vastgoed].