
07 May 2020

Solving urban issues with education

Solving urban issues with education

Growth, innovation, and liveability in Dutch cities is the goal of Agenda Stad. Three new research projects of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment are using education to accelerate the development of innovative solutions to these social issues. As part of the 'City Deals Knowledge Making' programme, the projects are working on heritage workshops, connections between universities and municipalities, and a management game.

09 April 2020

Design for data empowerment

Design for data empowerment

How can citizens be involved in urban data issues? Within the Data Empowerment Design Studio, researchers, local residents, designers, and neighbourhood initiatives discuss and develop new ideas.

01 April 2020

The construction sector through the eyes of an anthropologist

The construction sector through the eyes of an anthropologist

Alfons van Marrewijk has been appointed as professor of Construction Cultures at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. “The construction industry is packed with rituals, which people are hardly even aware of. By paying attention to the how and why of these rituals, you create space for change.”

12 March 2020

Circular energy-retrofitting

Circular energy-retrofitting

How can the energy transition be connected to creating a circular economy? Using a circular renovation module for the energy-retrofitting of housing offers a combined answer to the two challenges.

26 February 2020

Predictions on energy consumption in dwellings unravelled

Predictions on energy consumption in dwellings unravelled

Energy simulation models are often used to help improve the sustainability of homes, but there is a slight problem with that: in reality, the predictions they make are often wrong. PhD researcher Paula van den Brom analysed actual and theoretical energy consumption in more than a million homes and developed a calibration method to improve the models at housing stock level.

13 February 2020

The experts can’t do it alone

The experts can’t do it alone

Smart construction leads to better buildings and better cities. At least, that is the intention. But this will only happen if we learn from mistakes and work together to find solutions, says professor of Design and Construction Management Paul Chan in his inaugural address. The experts can’t create the perfect future on their own.

06 February 2020

Using hard data to improve sustainability

Using hard data to improve sustainability

To measure is to know, especially in the energy transition. But, as professor Building Energy Epidemiology Laure Itard argues in her inaugural address, we will only truly benefit if we process the measurement data using automated systems. The smart use of big data can prevent energy systems from continuing to underperform.

06 February 2020

Declining supply and continuing price increases

Declining supply and continuing price increases

At the end of 2019, the number of transactions in the market for existing owner-occupied homes is stabilising and purchase prices for existing owner-occupied homes are growing less rapidly. The number of new-build homes sold has even fallen slightly over the past two years.

19 December 2019

Participatory action research

New Horizon 2020 project UPLIFT aims to provide insight into the structural drivers of intergenerational inequalities within the European Union, focusing on vulnerable young people. Researchers from Management in the Built Environment will coordinate the participatory action research, involving the young people themselves to develop innovative policy solutions.

19 December 2019

‘Behavioural sciences key to energy savings and comfort at home’

‘Behavioural sciences key to energy savings and comfort at home’

Residential comfort tends to be associated with pleasant temperatures, but there’s much more to it than that. PhD researcher Marco Ortiz identified the living conditions we experience as pleasant and used this research to draw up psychological profiles that can be used to design comfortable, energy-efficient houses tailored to the users’ preferences.