
08 October 2018

Mitigating value conflicts in business strategies

An open access tutorial will be developed to help creative professionals mitigate value conflicts in their business strategies. The joint research between BK Bouwkunde and Industrial Engineering will result in a tutorial.

26 September 2018

Concrete cultural heritage

Concrete cultural heritage

Concrete heritage buildings from the 20th century are at risk, due to the late recognition of their value and the experimental use of materials and technologies. Barbara Lubelli and Silvia Naldini (AE+T) are part of an international research team, aiming to develop a multidisciplinary approach for historic concrete conservation.

26 September 2018

Hyperloop station for Amsterdam

Students of Building Technology worked on a series for designs for a Hyperloop station at Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena, in collaboration with ProRail. During the Innovation Expo on 4 October, they show what Hyperloop could mean for travellers, station, and the city.

30 August 2018

Understanding heritage values to design sustainable cities

Understanding heritage values to design sustainable cities

Ana Pereira Roders is Professor of Heritage and Values. The Chair of Heritage and Values focuses on further understanding the values that define heritage, such as cultural, social, ecological, and economic; and how they impact the sustainability of cities. One of the main goals is to define, develop, and test new integrated assessment frameworks to better monitor and strengthen heritage conservation worldwide.

16 August 2018

Everything you should know about climate installations

Everything you should know about climate installations

Climate installations can be designed to create a healthy and comfortable indoor environment, while also maintaining a good energetic and economic balance. Professor of Indoor Environment Philomena Bluyssen has described how this can be achieved in the new concise guide ‘What you have to know about climate installations’.

12 July 2018

Circularity in 2050: how?

The Netherlands will have to develop towards a circular economy before 2050. But what does this mean, is it even possible, and which challenges will we have to tackle in order to achieve a circular economy? That is the subject of the recent publication ‘Circularity – on the road to 2050?’.

05 July 2018

Explore all facets of the built environment

Explore all facets of the built environment

BK Bouwkunde is represented at the Venice Biennale 2018 through a multitude of different types of projects. The exhibitions can be found in pavilions and in palazzos in the city centre: from a research exhibition to an installation, from student work to a dance performance, from a traveling exposition to young architectural talent.

28 June 2018

Designing acoustically-effective façades

Designing acoustically-effective façades

The smooth and shiny façades on contemporary high-rise buildings certainly look sleek, but they are a significant factor in city noise because of the way they reflect sound. Doctoral candidate Jochen Krimm is calling for façades with more structure and mandatory acoustic testing for every high building.

26 April 2018

Andy van den Dobbelsteen receives Royal Distinction

Andy van den Dobbelsteen receives Royal Distinction

Today, BK professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen was suprised with a Royal Distinction during the annual Royal Distinction Day or ‘Lintjesregen’. He received the distinction 'Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw' at the Delft town hall from Delft mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt.

24 April 2018

Mohawk stage to be featured at OWEE 2018

Mohawk stage to be featured at OWEE 2018

The Mohawk stage, a fold-out autonomous stage designed by Ate Snijder (AE&T), will be used as stage during the OWEE introduction week 2018. The transformer stage-tent was conceived as a mobile performance venue with its own character and soul.