15 March 2023

TU Delft crowns best climate and energy publication

TU Delft crowns best climate and energy publication

Een algoritme dat voor een hogere energieopbrengst van windparken zorgt én een onderzoek waaruit blijkt dat niet alleen brandstofverbruik maar ook seizoenseffecten een belangrijke rol spelen bij het optimaliseren van vliegroutes en vlieghoogtes. Dit zijn – in één zin samengevat – de twee grote winnende publicaties van de Beste Climate & Energy Paper Award. De awardceremonie, die woensdag 15 maart plaatsvond op de TU Delft, stond volledig in het teken van grote en kleine innovaties die een bijdrage leveren aan het versnellen van de energietransitie en het beteugelen van klimaatverandering.

02 March 2023

Heinz Stoewer Space Award 2023 for Best Graduate Mireia Leon Dasi

Heinz Stoewer Space Award 2023 for Best Graduate Mireia Leon Dasi

The best graduate of the faculty in 2022, Mireia Leon Dasi, has now also won the Heinz Stoewer Space Award 2023 for her graduation project on predicting and preventing collisions with space debris.

28 February 2023

TU Delft presents the eight best Climate Action & Energy Papers

TU Delft presents the eight best Climate Action & Energy Papers

Record temperatures, floodings and melting sea ice: radical weather events are becoming more frequent and have a devastating effect on our planet and our lives. By accelerating the energy transition and climate action TU Delft, together with its partners, tries to prevent climate change and contain its consequences. With the election of the Best Climate & Energy Paper, TU Delft is highlighting a number of large and small innovations that contribute to this.

20 February 2023

D-STANDART project makes lightweight composites more durable

D-STANDART project makes lightweight composites more durable

Advanced composites are gaining ground in many areas, also in aerospace and in the wind energy sector, as they are lightweight and help to save energy. What is still missing are accurate and fast pre-production methods to optimise the durability of such large-scale composite structures. TU Delft researchers contribute to the recently launched EU-funded project D-STANDART led by the Netherlands Aerospace Centre Royal NLR.

16 February 2023

Free Online Course: Sustainable Aviation by TU experts

Free Online Course: Sustainable Aviation by TU experts

Can we fly climate-neutral in the future? What will the aircraft of the future look like, what energy carriers or fuels will they fly on and what choices can you make yourself? From 16 February, TU Delft experts share their knowledge on sustainable aviation in the free online course 'Sustainable Aviation: The Route to Climate-Neutral Aviation'.

14 February 2023

Nature Materials: functional materials from 3D printed fungi

Nature Materials: functional materials from 3D printed fungi

Living materials such as bone, wood or fungi have the ability to adapt to their environment. They can renew, strengthen and even heal themselves when conditions demand it. Associate Professor of Aerospace Structures and Materials Dr Kunal Masania investigates how to apply this exceptional adaptability from Nature into functional materials, for example for use in aerospace.

08 February 2023

Working in this field is a life of puzzles

Working in this field is a life of puzzles

Looking at aircraft sound. A title that takes a while to land. How can you look at sound? And, what information does it provide? Mirjam Snellen, Full Professor ‘Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects (ANCE), knows all about it. On Friday, Feb. 3, she held her inaugural address in the TU Delft Auditorium. An impressive speech about the need for new computational models for sustainable aviation.

07 February 2023

COMP-ECO: TU Delft teams up with Polish composites ecosystem

COMP-ECO: TU Delft teams up with Polish composites ecosystem

TU Delft is partnering with Technology Partners Warsaw, TU Dresden, the Polish Air Force Institute of Technology and Warsaw University of Technology to strengthen the Polish Mazovia region’s position as a competence hub for multifunctional composites and smart structures.

31 January 2023

ERC Consolidator Grant for Kunal Masania's living composites

ERC Consolidator Grant for Kunal Masania's living composites

The European Research Council has awarded Associate Professor of Aerospace Structures and Materials, Dr Kunal Masania an ERC Consolidator Grant of €2 million for his research proposal AM-IMATE. This research on living composites can lead to ground breaking technology for making aviation more sustainable.

17 January 2023

Emeritus Professor Prof.Dr. Jaap Schijve passed away

Emeritus Professor Prof.Dr. Jaap Schijve passed away

On Friday 13 January 2023, Emeritus Professor Jaap Schijve passed away at the age of 95. Professor Schijve graduated from TH Delft in 1953.

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