31 October 2023

Sustainable shipping: are auxiliary sails a solution?

Sustainable shipping: are auxiliary sails a solution?

TU Delft is launching a new research programme on 31 October to explore the possibilities of wind-assisted propulsion for cargo vessels. The aim is to reduce fuel consumption by 30%.

03 October 2023

Cosmic Chaos: a call for space regulation

Cosmic Chaos: a call for space regulation

Satellites that can become as bright as the brightest stars in the sky. It sounds like a sparkling fairy tale, but according to Marco Langbroek, these satellites, launched in 2022, will cause big problems. "Space is now becoming a bit of a wild west where anyone with enough money can do whatever they want. It's time for a sheriff to bring order to the chaos up there." The Nature publication ‘Optical observations find high brightness of the BlueWalker 3 satellite’ was released on Monday, Oct. 2, 2023.

28 September 2023

The Sky is the Limit: The Science and Potential of Flying Wind Farms

The Sky is the Limit: The Science and Potential of Flying Wind Farms

“To overcome the technological, economic, environmental and social challenges that are currently stalling the development of offshore wind energy and help it grow to its full potential, we have to shift to sustainable wind farming.” This is Carlos Simao Ferreira’s message in his inaugural speech as Full Professor of Wind Energy Science at TU Delft.

06 September 2023

Full Professor of Flow Control: “I feel honoured”

Full Professor of Flow Control: “I feel honoured”

On July 1st, Marios Kotsonis started as Full Professor of Flow Control at TU Delft’s faculty of Aerospace Engineering. A new position, both for Marios and for the faculty. “I certainly feel honoured and humbled by this appointment. Mostly, I am extremely proud of the excellent work done by the former and current PhD candidates and researchers in my team. It is a privilege to work with them.”

05 September 2023

ERC Starting Grant for Edgar Steenstra: “a lifelong dream of mine”

ERC Starting Grant for Edgar Steenstra: “a lifelong dream of mine”

Edgar Steenstra is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Münster, Germany, where he focuses on the geochemistry of terrestrial and planetary samples at high pressures and/or temperatures. With his grant, he plans to move to the Netherlands to conduct his research at TU Delft.

05 September 2023

Five young TU Delft researchers receive ERC Starting Grant

Five young TU Delft researchers receive ERC Starting Grant

The European Research Council (ERC) has announced the ERC Starting Grants for young researchers. Five of them are scientists from TU Delft. This European grant of €1.5 million for a five-year research programme is intended to enable individual scientists to build their own teams and conduct groundbreaking research.

31 August 2023

Working on a safe and inclusive work environment

On Tuesday 29 August, national news broke that earlier this year Associate Professor Daphne Stam left our faculty. We regret her departure. TU Delft does not comment on matters concerning individual employees - the same obviously applies to us as a faculty. What we want to emphasise is that we want to appreciate Daphne Stam's critical signal about her former working environment so that we can learn from it.

21 August 2023

Veni grant for ‘Aerial Robots in a Tangible World: Drones with the Sense of Touch Act upon Their Surroundings’

Veni grant for ‘Aerial Robots in a Tangible World: Drones with the Sense of Touch Act upon Their Surroundings’

Five promising researchers from TU Delft's Faculty of Aerospace Engineering have been granted Veni funding by the Dutch Research Council (NOW). This funding, totaling EUR 280,000 for each recipient, will empower the awardees to advance their individual research concepts over the course of the upcoming three years. Today we introduce Salua Hamaza.

17 August 2023

Veni grant for ’Simulate the interaction between flows and surfaces in computer models’

Veni grant for ’Simulate the interaction between flows and surfaces in computer models’

Five promising researchers from TU Delft's Faculty of Aerospace Engineering have been granted Veni funding by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This funding, totaling EUR 280,000 for each recipient, will empower the awardees to advance their individual research concepts over the course of the upcoming three years. Today we introduce Frits de Prenter.

15 August 2023

Veni grant for ‘Unveil with Laser Diagnostics the local NOx and Flashback physics of H2 flames

Veni grant for ‘Unveil with Laser Diagnostics the local NOx and Flashback physics of H2 flames

Five promising researchers from TU Delft's Faculty of Aerospace Engineering have been granted Veni funding by the Dutch Research Council (NOW). This funding, totaling EUR 280,000 for each recipient, will empower the awardees to advance their individual research concepts over the course of the upcoming three years. Today we introduce Francesca De Domenico.

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