06 September 2022

AE students: Marc Gerritsma is this year’s Teacher of the Year

AE students: Marc Gerritsma is this year’s Teacher of the Year

The study association Aerospace Engineering VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ has announced that Marc Gerritsma is this year’s Teacher of the Year. The BSc and MSc students voted for him for many different reasons. “He makes sure to stay connected and has an outstanding sense of humour.”

06 September 2022

IAWA-scholarship 2022 for Gaia Roncalli

IAWA-scholarship 2022 for Gaia Roncalli

Each year The International Aviation Women's Association (IAWA) awards a scholarship to a female student at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. This year, the scholarship of 5,000 USD goes to Master's student Gaia Roncalli.

30 August 2022

New chair 'Sustainable Aircraft Propulsion

New chair 'Sustainable Aircraft Propulsion

Arvind Gangoli Rao – recently appointed Full Professor of Sustainable Aircraft Propulsion – is starting a new chair within the Department of Flow Physics & Technology: Sustainable Aircraft Propulsion. The chair focuses on one of the biggest challenges and promises for sustainable aviation: flying on sustainable energy carriers in innovative aircraft engine configurations. Gangoli Rao: "Sustainable propulsion can provide a 'quantum leap' towards zero-emission flying."

12 July 2022

Technological roadmap: how to accelerate the path towards carbon-free aviation

Technological roadmap: how to accelerate the path towards carbon-free aviation

What are the potential technologies that can make aviation sustainable and environmentally friendly? Which ones are really promising? What research do we need to do and how can we speed up innovation?

07 July 2022

Successful flight AeroDelft paves way for liquid hydrogen aviation

Student team AeroDelft has successfully performed the maiden flight of her prototype aircraft. And for the first time ever, the team taxied and revealed their manned full-scale aircraft which is scheduled to fly on liquid hydrogen by 2025. The students revealed these achievements during their annual ‘AeroDelft Summer-Event’ at Breda International Airport on the 7th of July. AeroDelft’s ambition to accelerate sustainable aviation is thereby truly gaining traction.

05 July 2022

AE successful in Open Technology Programme and Take-off NWO

AE successful in Open Technology Programme and Take-off NWO

Six technical-scientific research projects can get started with funding from the Open Technology Programme. In addition, 37 entrepreneurial scientists can research or make a step to the market with Take-off grants. Three projects, submitted by Roelof Vos, Julien van Campen and Erwin Mooij, are from Aerospace Engineering.

01 July 2022

Vidi for Axelle Viré and her floating wind turbines

Vidi for Axelle Viré and her floating wind turbines

Associate Professor Wind Energy Axelle Viré is one of two AE researchers who will receive a Vidi grant from the Dutch Research Council NWO. Viré has been awarded the Vidi grant for her research into floating offshore wind turbines.

01 July 2022

Vidi for Jeannette Heiligers and her space duster on sunlight

Vidi for Jeannette Heiligers and her space duster on sunlight

Assistant Professor Astrodynamics & Space Missions Jeannette Heiligers is one of two AE researchers who’ve been granted a Vidi grant by the Dutch Research Council NWO. Her proposal – called SWEEP - investigates the idea of a “shuttlebus” to clean up space debris.

14 June 2022

Vordering ‘slim én duurzaam’

Vordering ‘slim én duurzaam’

In 2018 publiceerden twintig transportorganisaties en kennisinstellingen samen het actieplan ‘Slim en duurzaam’ om de CO2-uitstoot van de luchtvaart te reduceren. Daarna volgden twee aanvullingen om inzicht te geven in activiteiten en behaalde resultaten. Vandaag is er een derde actualisatie beschikbaar die de huidige stand van zaken weergeeft.

31 May 2022

Wind energy top scientists together in Delft for TORQUE conference

Wind energy top scientists together in Delft for TORQUE conference

From 1 – 3 June 2022 the TU Delft Wind Energy Institute and the European Academy of Wind Energy will organize the prestigious Science of Making Torque from Wind Conference (TORQUE) 2022 in Delft. Leading scientists in wind energy will share the latest insights and ground-breaking research and discuss the grand challenges in wind energy still to tackle.

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