01 June 2018

Exhibition: Poetry in Space

Exhibition: Poetry in Space

Faculty researchers share their work through poetry.

22 May 2018

Aerospace Women’s Day

Aerospace Women’s Day

On May 29, 2018, the fifth Aerospace Women's day will be held. The event aims to bring students and young professionals together to network and share experiences.

26 April 2018

Delfi-C3: first TU Delft satellite celebrates 10 years in space

Delfi-C3: first TU Delft satellite celebrates 10 years in space

On April 28, 2018 nanosatellite Delfi-C3 will celebrate its ten anniversary in orbit.

10 April 2018

More accurate depth measurements

More accurate depth measurements

Dr. Mirjam Snellen designed an algorithm to determine the sound velocity profile from the already measured echo data.

06 April 2018

Synergy Certificate for the smart production of composites

Synergy Certificate for the smart production of composites

05 April 2018

First BVLOS Flight in the Netherlands

First BVLOS Flight in the Netherlands

Researchers from the MAVLab tested the first unmanned aerial vehicle ‘beyond visual line of site’ (or BVLOS) this month, flying the delftAcopter from the Dutch mainland to the island Schiermonnikoog. The flight was one of a series of tests to see if such vehicles could be used to deliver medical or other supplies during emergencies.

29 March 2018

TU Delft ranks high in new MIT assessment

TU Delft ranks high in new MIT assessment

20 March 2018

OPZuid financing for DCMC Fieldlab

OPZuid financing for DCMC Fieldlab

The Development Center for Maintenance of Composites (DCMC) will enter a new phase with the approval of OPZuid financing for the establishment of a Fieldlab in Woensdrecht, The Netherlands.

13 March 2018

Nigel Drenthe first-time winner Heinz Stoewer Space award

Nigel Drenthe first-time winner Heinz Stoewer Space award

On 6 March 2018, Nigel Drenthe was announced as the first-time winner of the Heinz Stoewer Space Award for his thesis work, titled “SOLSTICE, Small Orbital Launch Vehicles, a Tentative Initial Cost Estimate”.

13 March 2018

Wouter Terra makes cyclists go faster – in a sports hall

Wouter Terra makes cyclists go faster – in a sports hall

TU TV interviewed aerodynamics researcher Wouter Terra of the Aerodynamics, Wind Energy, Flight Performance & Propulsion (AWEP) Department about his and his colleagues’ work on the question of how to make cyclist cycle faster.

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