25 October 2018

MAVLab to develop Pelican drone for Rijkswaterstaat

MAVLab to develop Pelican drone for Rijkswaterstaat

The ‘Drones in Water Management’ event organised by Rijkswaterstaat on 23 October saw the kick-off and signing of a new project.

22 October 2018

What flying robots can teach us

What flying robots can teach us

Fruit fly is not the first association that comes to mind when looking at the 30cm wingspan of the Delfly Nimble.

15 October 2018

TU Delft in EU project on manipulation and exploitation of asteroids for a sustainable use of space

TU Delft in EU project on manipulation and exploitation of asteroids for a sustainable use of space

10 October 2018

IAWA Scholarship

IAWA Scholarship

IAWA has chosen bachelor's student Nadine Duursma as its 2018 TU Delft scholarship recipient.

08 October 2018

Profile of a Professor; Prof. H.G.C. (Henri) Werij

Profile of a Professor; Prof. H.G.C. (Henri) Werij

Prof. H.G.C. (Henri) Werij, Dean of the Faculty

05 October 2018

TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2018

TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2018

The Delft University Fund announced the eight TU Delft Best Graduates 2018.

04 October 2018

Using aircraft as weather stations

Using aircraft as weather stations

To fly safely, aircraft need accurate updates on wind and temperature. But together, aircraft can also act as a sensor network that provides information to make weather models and predictions better, researchers at TU Delft have found. This week they publish their findings in PLOS One.

03 October 2018

Aviation sector submits “Smart and Sustainable” plan to Minister of Infrastructure

Aviation sector submits “Smart and Sustainable” plan to Minister of Infrastructure

Dutch aviation will produce 35% fewer CO2 emissions by 2030.

03 October 2018

TU Delft TV Featuring Faculty Students

TU Delft TV Featuring Faculty Students

In the latest TU Delft TV, master’s students are constructing and designing their own aircraft in an aircraft factory.

01 October 2018

Using Plasma forces to improve airplane fuel effciency

Using Plasma forces to improve airplane fuel effciency

“Flow is beautiful,” says Marios Kotsonis, expert in fluid mechanics and assistant professor in the Aerodynamics, Wind .....

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