24 September 2018

Delft drone tests new sense-and-avoid technology in Australian outback

Delft drone tests new sense-and-avoid technology in Australian outback

Researchers at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) have developed new technology that enables a drone to record all stationary and moving objects (such as trees, masts, birds of prey, helicopters) during autonomous flight and continuously alter its flight path to avoid them.

16 September 2018

Students win world championship with high-tech recumbent bike

Students win world championship with high-tech recumbent bike

Cyclist Lieke de Cock won the world championship for cycling in the Nevada desert in the US with a speed of 120 km/h.

13 September 2018

Novel flying robot mimics rapid insect flight

Novel flying robot mimics rapid insect flight

A novel insect-inspired flying robot, developed by TU Delft researchers from the Micro Air Vehicle Laboratory (MAVLab), has been presented in Science (14 September 2018).

11 September 2018

Quiet propulsion: inaugural address Damiano Casalino

Quiet propulsion: inaugural address Damiano Casalino

On Friday 14 September Damiano Casalino, Full Professor and Chairholder of Aeroacoustics at the faculty, will give his inaugural address.

10 September 2018

Numbers for the new academic year

Numbers for the new academic year

The new academic year has started again.

21 August 2018

Success for AerGo

Success for AerGo

Over the weekend, the AerGo team successfully tested their one-seater aircraft.

06 August 2018

Students from Delft and Amsterdam testing high-tech bicycle on F-16 runway

Students from Delft and Amsterdam testing high-tech bicycle on F-16 runway

The Human Power Team, a student project of the TU Delft and the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, tested on Sunday 5 August their new aerodynamic bicycle: the VeloX 8.

27 July 2018

ERC Starting Grants for seven TU Delft researchers

ERC Starting Grants for seven TU Delft researchers

The European Research Council has awarded ERC Starting Grants to seven TU Delft researchers. The grants (1,5 million euros for a five-year programme) are intended to support scientists who are in the early stages of their career and have already produced excellent supervised work.

26 July 2018

Launch of TU Delft Student Rocket Fails

Launch of TU Delft Student Rocket Fails

On Thursday 26 July at 03:30 AM, students from the Delft University of Technology, made an attempt with a home-built rocket (Stratos III) to beat the European altitude record and reach the threshold of space. Twenty seconds after the launch the rocket disintegrated above the safety zone at sea. The team and INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial) are currently investigating the anomaly and the cause of the failed attempt.

12 July 2018

Students participate in Airnovation Summer Academy

Students participate in Airnovation Summer Academy

Two students from the Faculty joined the second Airbus Airnovation Summer Academy.

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