Childcare in the Netherlands

Whether you have come to TU Delft to work, study or both, if you have children you will likely need some form of childcare. There are several kinds of childcare, or kinderopvang, in the Netherlands. These can roughly be divided into daycare (or kinderdagverblijf) and before-and-after school care (buitenschoolse opvang or BSO). Which option seems appropriate largely depends on your situation and individual choices.


Daycare is intended for infants from 6 weeks old to children through the age of 4 who do not yet go to school. It is provided by, among others, daycare centres, or kinderdagverblijven, and by childminding agencies, or gastouders.

Before-and-after school care

Before-and-after school care (buitenschoolse opvang or BSO) provides childcare for children outside of school hours and during school holidays. It is provided by, among others, daycare centres, or kinderdagverblijven, and by childminders, or gastouders. Primary schools often have arrangements with before-and-after school care providers. Parents, however, are free to choose a different provider.


Some Dutch schools have lunchtime breaks for up to 1.5 hours, during which children either need (paid) childcare at school or can go home for lunch. Schools in the Netherlands do not provide lunches; children have to bring their own.

Childcare benefit

In some cases parents are entitled to childcare benefit, or kinderopvangtoeslag, from the Dutch government to help them pay for childcare registered with the national childcare registration system, or Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (LRK). There is no childcare benefit available for childcare at school lunchtimes.

To see if you qualify for childcare benefit and to find out more, visit this website or this website

How does it work?

You must decide what kind of childcare is appropriate for you and your family. Although you will find specific websites providing useful information under the specific childcare sections, the links under 'More information' might help you find childcare providers in the Delft area. This is not a comprehensive list.

More information

Please note that this list of childcare providers consists of places where English is spoken or the carers are bilingual; the list is not necessarily an endorsement and that there are additional childcare providers in the region.

If you would prefer to have a childminder care for your child, you need to register with a local childminding agency.