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01 September 2024

Join the Sustainable Mobility Seminar!

Join the Sustainable Mobility Seminar!

22 August 2024

New SPARXS technique reveals DNA behaviour at unprecedented speed

New SPARXS technique reveals DNA behaviour at unprecedented speed

Studying how single DNA molecules behave helps us to better understand genetic disorders and design better drugs. Until now however, examining DNA molecules one-by-one was a slow process. Biophysicists from Delft University of Technology and Leiden University developed a technique that speeds up screening of individual DNA molecules at least a thousand times.

25 July 2024

Spin qubits go trampolining

Spin qubits go trampolining

Researchers at QuTech developed somersaulting spin qubits for universal quantum logic. This achievement may enable efficient control of large semiconductor qubit arrays. The research group published their demonstration of hopping spins in Nature Communications and their work on somersaulting spins in Science.

19 July 2024

Fourteen promising young Delft researchers receive Veni grant

Fourteen promising young Delft researchers receive Veni grant

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded thirteen young TU Delft researchers from the Science (ENW) and Applied and Engineering Sciences (TTW) domains, a Veni grant of up to 320,000 euro.

18 July 2024

Innovative clothing for Olympic cycling team | TU Delft

Innovative clothing for Olympic cycling team | TU Delft

KNWU and AGU recently presented the new, innovative cycling jersey for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. TU Delft, together with NOC*NSF and Sportconfex, collaborated on the design, with a specific focus on aerodynamics.

17 July 2024

Ant insights lead to robot navigation breakthrough

Ant insights lead to robot navigation breakthrough

Have you ever wondered how insects are able to go so far beyond their home and still find their way? The answer to this question is not only relevant to biology but also to making the AI for tiny, autonomous robots. TU Delft drone-researchers felt inspired by biological findings on how ants visually recognize their environment and combine it with counting their steps in order to get safely back home.

17 July 2024

Results of initiatives on fossil industry cooperation

17 July 2024

A better picture of the subsurface thanks to data assimilation

A better picture of the subsurface thanks to data assimilation

Max Ramgraber, geowetenschapper bij de TU Delft, ontvangt een NWO Veni-beurs om de ondergrond beter in kaart te brengen. Informatie over de vaak lastig bereikbare diepte zijn schaars, en gaan vaak gepaard met statistische onzekerheid. Daarom werkt Ramgraber aan een statistische methode waarbij hij verschillende, vaak complexe, data combineert.

17 July 2024

Revealing coastal sediment pathways

Revealing coastal sediment pathways

11 July 2024

Designing a decision-support tool for climate adaptive urban planning

Designing a decision-support tool for climate adaptive urban planning

Heat stress and air pollution ravages cities more and more. In a new Horizon Europe project, researchers will develop a digital twin that supports decision makers to design resilient urban areas that can cope with the changing climate. Researchers from TU Delft and 18 other partners receive the Horizon Europe grant for their project called UrbanAIR.