Statement RvT
Social safety at TU Delft is an issue which is close to our hearts as the Supervisory Board and it pains us whenever we hear that students and staff do not feel safe. It is a matter which concerns us greatly. Given our supervisory role, we therefore consider it to be a top priority to keep a close eye on the implementation of the Social Safety and Integrity Plan for Change. Although we realise that implementation and visible change take time, by the same token it is helpful if initial steps can be taken, and that is certainly now the case.
Examples of such steps are the discussions with participation bodies and the fact that we invite experts in the field to our meetings and receive updates from the social safety project leader (Olivier Sueur) and the portfolio holder on the executive board (Tim van der Hagen). These steps enable us to monitor progress, ask questions and then use those questions as a basis for assessing whether the action plan is generating the desired results. The role we are required to fulfil also means we actively engage in discussions on progress with the minister.
As we previously stated (Delta interview of 28 June), the executive board has our full confidence and this confidence has been backed up by the progress made with regard to implementing the action plan. It goes without saying that support for the executive board is something we assess on an ongoing basis.
We would like to reiterate once again that all of us need to take responsibility for social safety and you cannot just leave it to a few individuals. We all need to challenge each other to take this joint responsibility now and in the future.
We too want to see results and we should, of course, be held accountable if change does not happen quickly enough. However difficult it sometimes might be, we need to give each other time and space, while still being mindful of each other's roles and responsibilities. In any event, we are and will remain closely involved in social safety and take our responsibility in that respect. We therefore do not agree with the CNV's view that the supervisory board failed to intervene and we believe we are fulfilling our responsibilities in our own way and in good faith.