SURF Education awards 2023

News - 16 July 2024 - secretariat tnw-bn

This year, the SURF Education Awards were presented again, to three professionals who have made a major contribution to IT innovation in Dutch education. Quite rightly, Leon Sprooten (VISTA College), Timon Idema (TU Delft) and Diana Molenschot (Thomas More University of applied sciences) received the SURF Education Awards 2023.

Colleagues say:
"Timon is a shining example of an educator who encourages teachers to innovate their educational materials and share them openly. He understands that educators value tools developed by those who are teachers themselves. Additionally, he actively involves both teachers and students in his projects. Everything he develops is presented to colleagues and students, for example, in workshops or conference presentations. This way, he receives valuable feedback that helps him better align the results with the needs of his target audience, ensuring that both teachers and students find it valuable for their work or studies."