10 years of innovative maths education within TU Delft: congratulations PRIME!

News - 27 August 2024 - Communication EWI

The PRogramme of Innovation in Mathematics Education (PRIME) is all about redesigning mathematics courses for engineers. It was started in 2014, through a pilot program. PRIME is part of the Interfaculty Teaching from the Department of Applied Mathematics (DIAM) at TU Delft. The programme uses a blended learning cycle design to teach math to non-math students throughout TU Delft.

PRIME aims to redesign math courses for non-math students to a blended learning cycle design intended to:

  • improve study results,
  • improve the connection between mathematics and engineering,
  • increase students' active participation and motivation.

Courses are designed following the PRIME cycle: prepare, participate, and practice.

Through the TU-wide interfaculty education PRIME reaches more than 20.000 students in 45 courses. Ilse Bakker, Project Leader of PRIME, is excited about the reach of PRIME: “We provide mathematics courses for almost all Engineering studies across TU Delft. Because of this, our work has a big impact. If we make improvements, a few thousand students will benefit from this. I find that very motivating. Students let us know that they are very happy with the PRIME structure and the blended learning methodology we use. In particular, we get a lot of great feedback on the interactive lectures and the online homework questions.”

©Heleen van de Ven Photography

Education Team Award 2022

In 2022 PRIME won the Education Team Award. This award was created to reward and enhance cooperation in teams for the benefit of education (innovation). PRIME was announced the winner of the Education Team Award 2022 at the Award Ceremony on Education Day, 10 November 2022.

Open Education

PRIME is fully committed to using Open Education Resources. All its digital learning materials can be found in the online PRIME Catalogue. https://www.tudelft.nl/ewi/over-de-faculteit/afdelingen/applied-mathematics/studeren/prime/prime-catalogue/21

10th anniversary

On the 31st of May the PRIME team celebrated PRIME’s 10th anniversary. Annoesjka Cabo, Director of Education at the faculty of EEMCS, and Tom Vroegrijk, PRIME Programme Manager, shared about the origins of PRIME, the initial goals, and how the program and its objectives have evolved over the past 10 years. The team took part in a workshop, listened to inspiring talks, was surprised by a touching tribute video, and ended the day with a thrilling pedal boat race. 

Congratulations PRIME! And here’s to many more years to come!

Foto: ©Erno Wientjes
Foto: ©Erno Wientjes