Wubbo Ockels Innovation Award encourages talent to make sustainable impact

News - 26 June 2023


Are you an entrepreneur, inventor, innovator within a company, or a student, and do you have an inspiring, sustainable idea? Then you can compete for the prize. This means, for example, that you propose an effective solution for climate adaptation, biodiversity, carbon neutrality, circularity and/or liveability on our planet. "Wubbo was a big fan of prizes. By adding a reward to a solution for a challenging issue, you encourage people to innovate, be creative and show guts. An award in his name is a great way to continue his legacy," says Joos Ockels.


Participants have a chance to win a cash prize of three times 10,000 euros. The prize money is made available by ‘De Groene Grachten’ (English: The Green Canals), the latest initiative from Wubbo Ockels. "In 2012, Wubbo Ockels gave me € 3,000 out of his own pocket to co-found De Groene Grachten. I experienced myself how this gave us a kickstart. Ten years later, I think it would be great to do something similar for makers that make a difference with impactful ideas," said Suze Gehem. The finalists will go on a field trip to SpaceExpo with Joos Ockels and get a tour of TU Delft's Green Village by Andy van den Dobbelsteen. The winners will also get the floor in The Sustainable Podcast and a BNR radio broadcast.


You can compete by submitting your plan before 1 October 2023 via www.wubboockelsinnovatieprijs.nl. Here you will also find information about the prize and conditions.