2023 TU Delft & Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi Collaborative Project Fund

News - 10 January 2023

On January 16, 2023, the 2023 TU Delft & Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi Collaborative Project Call opens.

On January 24, 2022, TU Delft signed a MoU with the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi (IIT-D), aiming to foster scientific and technological cooperation between researchers at the two institutions, through the funding of joint research projects. These matching funds will support collaborative research initiatives and activities that will lead to impactful research outcomes.

In 2022, the first edition of the call was launched with projects funded in such domains as decarbonization & renewable energies, space & robotics, climate policy and water desalination & purification.

The TU Delft & IIT-D call funds the initial phase of joint international research collaborations with clear expectations that the researchers will submit a follow-up research proposal that continues the research started and consolidates the research partnership.

The deadline for the 2023 edition is April 24, 2023. The total duration of a project can be 1 year, and the budget envelope is up to 5000 Euro from TU Delft and up to 5000 Euro from IIT-D. IIT-D and TU Delft will fund a maximum of 4 approved proposals under this call. Further details on the call can be found on the Intranet.

Questions on the call can be directed to Marie Kummerlowe at a.m.kummerlowe@tudelft.nl.