KIVI Hoogendoorn Fluid Mechanics Award 2019

News - 17 November 2019

The recipient of the KIVI Hoogendoorn Fluid Mechanics Award for the best PhD thesis defended in the academic year 2018-2019 is:

Dr. ir. Cees Voesenek

who defended his PhD thesis (cum laude) on 12 June 2019 at Wageningen University (supervisors Prof. Johan van Leeuwen (WUR), Prof. GertJan van Heijst (TU/e) and Dr Florian Muijres (WUR). The title of his PhD thesis is How fish larvae swim – from motion to mechanics.

The prize will be awarded to him at the forthcoming Burgers Symposium, 27 – 28 May 2020 in Lunteren.  See also